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Need Help On True And False!?

1. During George Washington’s administration, factions developed that eventually became the Federalist and Democratic-Republican political parties.
2. U. S. elections are generally “winner-take-all” elections. Therefore, the two-party nature of political party competition is reinforced.
3. A party realignment means that there is an increase in the number of voters who call themselves independents or ticket-splitters.
4. The procedures for selecting political party nominees for president are specifically outlined in the U. S. Constitution.
5. The process by which we develop our political attitudes, values, and beliefs is called political socialization.
6. Bias refers to any procedure that makes a public opinion poll sample not random.
7. A survey where listeners call a local radio station to express their opinions is a good example of a random sample.
8. Sampling error refers to the percentage that pollsters expect their results to be “off”.
9. The “bandwagon effect” refers to the phenomena whereby undecided voters affiliate themselves with the candidate who appears to be behind in the polls.
10. For most Americans, the media can be considered to be the most important factor in the political socialization process.
11. The most successful interest groups are those that have a large membership, solid organization, access to government officials, and financial resources.
12. Interest group activity is basic to the democratic process because it serves to promote the concerns of various interests in society.
13. Campaign contributions are rarely used by interest groups to influence the political process.
14. An amicus brief is a written document in which a group explains to a court its position on a legal dispute the court is handling
15. Interest groups are prohibiting from attempting to influence appointments the U. S. President makes to the federal courts or to government agencies.
16. Legislative vetoes were enacted following the abuse of power during the administrations of George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush.
17. The War Powers Act gives the President the power to declare war.
18. Diplomatic recognition involves exchanging ambassadors with other nations.
19. When the U. S. President exercises his emergency powers, traditional civil liberty protections may be suspended.

No Responses to “Need Help On True And False!?”

  1. Sean says:

    true i think
    false i think
    true i think
    false i think
    false i think
    hope it helps


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