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Online Advertising Help?

How do I market online the right way? Right now I have 10.6k followers who are all active on twitter. But they are not targeted. I’m with an affiliate program, I have been since the 19th of April. I’ve gotten a few leads. I have had 6 sales sine the 19th. I know it could be much better than that. I’m really new to online marketing! Everyone I talk to tells me to build a list, I have no idea on how to do that! How do I get leads everyday? I do some craigslist clickable image advertising, I don’t get hits with that. I don’t know how to make a blog I’ve been told to do this also. And a lot of people I talk to want me to buy something that will generate leads, but I don’t have the money at the moment. Is there anyway to build a list for free? Or for cheap at least. I need someone who has had a lot of success with online marketing. I’m a newbie! But this is something I want to do and I’m willing to learn. Please help?

No Responses to “Online Advertising Help?”

  1. Alex says:

    Im glad I found your post. I was in the EXACT same boat as you. First, you need to know your demographic and advertise on sites with similar demographics. (ex: do not advertise to old people on a college-based blog) its a waste of time and money. If you have no money, stay away from google adwords. They are not as effective as you think and you will rack up a huge bill fast on any pay-per-click deal. Here are your free or cheap options:
    GET A WEBSITE- Its free thanks to wordpress and you can buy a domain name for like $2 on go
    SOCIAL MEDIA- Facebook, twitter, etc You need to be on there. The more online presence you have, the more likely your butt will be on google when someone searches your service you are providing.
    NETWORK- develop partnerships with people and other businesses, you scratch their back, they will scratch yours.
    BLOG AND BE BLOGGED- people need to learn who you are, if you find other successful bloggers with a lot of followers, see how much they charge for sponsored posts.
    If you need help with ANYTHING i suggest going to sites like or People sell services you need to get most of this done, like logos, website development, blog posts. Get people to help you, you are only one person but you can hire someone to do small things like this for you for $5 a job usually. I HIGHLY recommend this to anyone starting their own business with little to no money. Best of luck to you and let me know if this helps.


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