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Why Do Atheists Think People Believe In Religion Because Of Fear?

they might in the case of christianity and islam but what about judaism, hinduism, buddhism, shamanism, or zorastrianism? there are no hells for apostates in those religions so their is no fear involved.

No Responses to “Why Do Atheists Think People Believe In Religion Because Of Fear?”

  1. Everard says:

    My main focus is on the xian-mooslim alliance as it has more influence than any other religion on Planet Ours.
    Fundie is fully “programmed with superstition, FEAR, passivity, anti-intellectualism, obedience to fake authority, and rewarded for mediocrity and servile conformity…”
    “FEAR, LIES, GUILT, DECEIT, HYPOCRISY and specialised Cherry Picking are all part of the Standard Operating Procedures handbook of the xian-mozlim salesman.
    This is not surprising as the whole scam is built on exactly that.
    That’s why there are so many versions of the same scam.
    They all appeal to their little niche markets.”

  2. Ian Nelson says:

    An atheist who’s main argument is “People believe in religion because they fear going to hell” haven’t thought through the fact that their are many reasons why people can believe in God, only one of which could be fear. There’s a tonne of reasons, from a perceived miracle, the way they were brought up, human nature, desperation, acceptance into the religious community, I could go on all day.
    Incidentally, I’m an atheist.

  3. LordJagg says:

    It’s not necessarily a fear of divine punishment or hell that drives people to religions but often a fear of death. Many religious people are afraid of their own mortality and don’t want to believe that this one life is all we have. So they turn to religion as comfort due to the ideas of an after life or reincarnation. A promise of some sort of continued life, either in another world or through reincarnation is the one thing that all religions I can think of have in common.
    @Poseider: Damn it man. You must have hit submit as I started typing in my answer. Ah well, great minds and all that.

  4. Please punctuate properly, folks says:

    People in communities of limited scientific knowledge tend to follow a faith unquestioningly, like sheep. You are getting dissent from the better-educated, more intelligent sector of society. What does THAT tell you, Dude?
    Oh, and BTW, why SHOULD science lie to you about God? Doesn’t it tell you the truth about the Maths, Physics and Electronics that bought you the computer you are reading this on? The duty of Science is to the TRUTH – Science has no allowances, no favourites, no cover-ups, no conspiracies of silence. In the words of James Matsouka “Science is a cold-hearted 81tch with a 14″ strap-on”.

  5. poseiderthe drunk sea god. says:

    It’s not so much fear of hell, it’s fear of death. And them religions believe in some kind of continuation after death, some kind of heaven, some kind of reincarnation, something. Continuing after death is the one thing religions have in common.

  6. interest says:

    It obviously only applies to those that do…
    and yes I do. If they do not ‘believe’ in their gods, they claim they will go to their hell… many of their recruiting campaigns are based on not going to hell so you must have ‘faith’…
    They use Pascal’s wager which is basically just, “why risk it?”

  7. Old cynic says:

    atheists in general dont care why people believe in gods, what they primarily object to is the constant self righteousness and hypocrisy expressed by lots of religious folk who insist that the rest of us should abide by their questionable values

  8. Mel says:

    Well there is fear of not belonging, not being part of the group, fear of not knowing what to do outside of the religion.

  9. Tzeench says:

    I never said that all religions thrive on fear. But aren’t there instances of people practicing Hinduism(or any other religion) in order to avoid being stigmatized by their community?

  10. J says:

    In those cases it could be because of fear of the thought that we are completely alone in the universe, with no unearthly power or aura to guide us.

  11. Donna says:

    I believe most adopted it ( I’m wording it nicely ) from their families.

  12. Jack says:

    nobody thinks that. they think people beleive in relgion because they’re idiots.

  13. Let Me Think says:

    Because most of the appeals for us to believe employ scare tactics.

  14. Ood says:

    I don’t think that at all.

  15. Belly162 says:

    they listen to comforting lie but not the real truth


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