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What Should I Think And Do?

ok so my bf and I have been together for a little while. I love him so much and has never given me a reason not to trust him. also he is bisexual. he has been faithful me since we have been together. Lately tho, he’s been having text convos with his gay hairdresser. We had a booth at a flea market this past weekend and saw him. His name is Kyle. they walked around and talked. Then later that night Kyle texted him. I pretty much begged my bf to tell Kyle he is in a happy relationship with me. He said he will. When I checked hiatus cell last night though, he had a long convo with Kyle and didn’t say one thing about having a gf. Kyle had asked what he was up to and my bf said he was drinking wine answer watching a movie. he just happened to leave out he was watching it with me. also Kyle asked him if he has gotten out to enjoy the warm weather. my bf said he went for a couple walks. he went for walks with me! He could easily have said he was doing those with me but he didn’t. is he keeping me secret? what am I suppose to think?!

No Responses to “What Should I Think And Do?”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Have you ever considered that maybe your boyfriends is gay? Although bisexuality is very real a lot of people simply identify themselves as such to avoid some of the self guilt that can be found. If your boyfriends is really bi then it is also entirely possible that he is simply more interested in guys then girls. I know this is not what you wanted to hear but it is a likely possibility.
    The way he has been acting is like he doesn’t want this kyle to know he was emotionally engaged with you. In my opinion he is moving away and it may feel like you are being shunned. I think he is actively keeping you a secret as to keep kyle’s interest; however, whether he wants a relationship with kyle or simply wants a male friend who is gay are both possibilities. Keep at it for awhile and if you need to know just ask, you will get an answer regardless. Just try not to pressure him too much and give him some space if he needs it.


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