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Did They Name Man Of Steel To Try And Cash In On Iron Man?

Now hear me out, I personally don’t believe this but as I was walking through my local movie theater today there were these kids there and they walked by a Man of Steel poster and this is the conversation I overheard:
“Is that the new Iron Man movie?”
“No that’s Superman.”
“Oh, well then why didn’t they call it Superman, that title makes it sound like Iron Man.”
After I heard this my initial reaction was “silly kids” but then it got me thinking. I know “Man of Steel” has been Superman’s thing for decades but why would the producers choose to name the movie that when “Superman” is much more recognizable to the general public? I originally thought that they had simply chosen the name to separate themselves from the other Superman movies but now I’m having doubts. Right now Iron Man is second only to Batman in terms of popularity with the general public so choosing the name “Man of Steel” might be them attempting to have people subconsciously associate the movie with Iron Man. So is this theory completely stupid and outlandish, or could I have just discovered some secret evil marketing ploy by Warner Bros??

No Responses to “Did They Name Man Of Steel To Try And Cash In On Iron Man?”

  1. Paarr says:

    Because “Superman” has already been used and the producers didn’t want it to appear as if it was part of that timeline, so they called it one of Superman’s most popular nicknames. Maybe there might have been a thought about the name connection, but it’s produced by Christopher Nolan who made the first two Batman movies to not have the word “Batman” in the title. Whether or not he had any input on the name, I don’t know. In all honesty, your first reaction was correct. The kid is uneducated.

  2. InNOCENT says:

    2 reasons
    1. superman has already been used and hence the copyrights cannot be used,
    2. chris nolan dir of the dark knight trilogy he uses diff names as in the dark knight he could hav used batman continues but no, the same way he is da producer of man of steel an so………..the name

  3. Ginny says:

    I think you might be right. BUT I also think that “Superman” is overused and sort of cheesy, at this point. Superhero movies are getting cooler names. Like Batman wasn’t just “Batman”, he was “The Dark Knight.” So naming it Man of Steel just sounds more badass and modern.


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