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What Career Move Should I Make?

I currently work at a finance company. I did not finish college but plan to go back to get my degree. The problem is, I don’t know what degree path to choose. I would like to make a career change but don’t know where to start. I enjoy working on my own, I’m not a huge people-person so working from home would be ideal. I love designing things like newsletters and am passionate about photography. Computers also interest me and I really enjoyed all the computer classes I took in the past. I would just go ahead with graphic design, but I’m not sure that graphic designers can work from home and also make a good salary. Any suggestions would be very appreciated. Thanks =)

No Responses to “What Career Move Should I Make?”

  1. Angela J. Shirley says:

    Hi Alex:
    I would suggest you hang on to the job you have right now while you explore your “dream” job. Hold off on going back to school, you do not need that additional expense right now unless you can get financial aid.
    Why not start working from home around your job? Network with other people who are already doing this to get some ideas.
    The secret to working from home is discipline and exploring the market. All the ideas you mentioned can be done from home as more companies are opting to have their employees work from home = less overhead to pay for.
    Why not start asking around to see if anyone needs your skills as a contractor? And then if needed, get additional training. Until you know exactly what you want to do, it does not make sense stressing over it. Take your time, have FUN with the adventure of figuring out what you want to do. Today’s economy does sometimes mean doing several income generations. With you having a job, this gives you some peace of mind while you set up things.
    Career Counseling, Rockport Institute

  2. Go with the flow says:

    Working from home is a scam. All scams.
    Not sure why anyone thinks this is real.
    No jobs in photography or design.
    Kids are graduating college for this and are in tears because no one is hiring.
    Graphic design is art but on a computer.
    It is not programming, etc.
    Graphic design rated by every article in the top 10 worst college degrees you can take.
    Why not stick with that finance company and try to work your way up?
    Sounds like you would choose degrees based in the arts, which are a waste of time.


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