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Steve Jobs Or Bill Gates?

who do you think is / was more influential in the computer / technology field??

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  1. Technician (PC Programmer) says:

    Bill Gates was talented and had the vision to see how the personal computer might revolutionize computing as it was known them. The luck came into the picture when IBM decided DOS was not going to be a big deal and allowed him to retain the rights to what became MS-DOS. The rest was history.Curiosity and passion for something will produce the never-ending motivation to make it better.Those people were not made, they were BORN with certain traits and combination of traits that made them successful. You do not just become super smart by doing something. If there was some magic formula that anyone can follow…..everyone would be multi-billionaires.
    How much $$$ does Steve Jobs and Bill Gates make a minute?
    Steve Jobs is a more /accomplished/ orator I would say, in that he gets a lot more press coverage on his discussion at the Apple events, but that’s simply because that marketing style isn’t appropriate for Microsoft, one because they don’t serve a narrow niche like Apple does and two because they’re more B2B than Apple and that “newest gizmo” hype is relatively uncommon with CTOs/CIOs that Microsoft targets (and Apple has all but given up on).
    Bill Gates is just as good I would say though, and a lot less full of himself.

  2. xxaxxisx says:

    I would say steve jobs because of the diversity of the products he affected. Personal computers, mp3 players (and online music stores), phones, and tablets. Microsoft of course has products in the same realm, but apple/steve jobs either did it first or made the standard product that others then emulated/modified. He was also the main investor in Pixar back in the day, so he played a pretty big role in computer animation as well.
    Both men have had an enormous influence though. No doubt about that.

  3. M W says:

    I believe that would be Mr. Gates. I recognize the genius of both. In many ways i prefer the Apple philosophy (when Mr. Jobs was alive). But to your question, the most influence be it good or bad in the long run, bestows to Mr. Gates.


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