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Ever Feel Like There’s No Way Forward?

So, over the past 3 weeks my life has been rough, I’ve left my boyfriend and found out my friends aren’t true friends, so I’ve cut them out of my life. I’m now at a point where I’m disheartened with everyone in society, no one cares about anyone else, its like a giant free for all out there, where have morals and loyalty dissapeared to? Why is the world full of people who take, take,take. I work hard I have a good job which I’m so greatful for, but it feels like I am living for my job and that’s it. Lately since my life has fallen apart I feel lonely. Everyday I am waking up feeling like there’s no purpose, I look around and I’m ashamed to be in a society where values have gone out the window, I am thoughtful and never treat anyone badly but I stem to draw in the type of people, like leeches, they seem to suck the life out of me until nothing is left, I’ve been having some dreadful thoughts lately, I keep thinking if I did something then people would realise what they have done.. I just feel disgusted with people, I want no association with 90% of the public who live for themselves, how can I stop feeling like there’s no way out..

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  1. Mohit says:

    I really want to help you but I don’t know what to say. I thought people in America were different from the people where I am. I thought it was just me who feels people are too selfish and don’t give a damn to others. The world as you rightly pointed it is going through a parasitic phase where most of the people just take and don’t give back, no ecologically not otherwise. But there must be some good people there like you. You have to believe in that and try to find them and be friends with them. Don’t give up on people. Its not their fault really, religions, schools, the media all condition people to be selfish and the few good people that there are tell us that life is better if lived unselfishly. I myself helped so many people on another website to not be selfish so I am not one of the crowd in that department. The problem with the world is that there is so much abundance in the world that its unbelievable but no one passes it forward. So many rich people yet so much poverty. 10,000 fruits yet only 10 in the market. There is a serious irrationality problem going on and people aren’t following their hearts.
    My advice would be to follow your heart and try finding people like yourself who are not selfish. Also try going out to have fun more. Go out in nature, go camping, go clubbing, go cycling. Whatever it takes to make you feel good about life again. You are bound to meet some good people doing these things. I can’t keep going on and on here but you get the message right? At least u know there is one person who isn’t like the rest and there might be others out there whom only following your heart is the way to find. That I know of anyway. There could be other ways too. As such the world is going through a major religious oppression that is worsening with each religious crazy person who becomes president. So don’t give up would be my advice and do eat a few fruits every day to counter the bitterness of other foods and get quality carbs. Also eat organic as far as possible. Wanna know a secret? Regular food is badly contaminated with toxins and it could explain why people are like zombies these days. That and religions imposing on people like never before. That’s my reason for why things are the way they are.
    Follow your heart.
    Treat yourself well.
    Have a lot of fun.
    Find others who are as nice as you are and relate with them.

  2. Eden says:

    You know what im in a similar position with you. My grandmother died a month ago, anxeity and depression lead me into cheating on my boyfriend, my boyfriend dumped me, & my family is disgraced about me. Overall, i hated myself so much. I would wake up and feel sick to my stomach. I got nobody & i dont even have myself. Thought of killing myself & end it all but maybe not yet. I apologized and my boyfriend is now willing to work with me build my life up bit by bit at a time.
    Hopeless still i am.. I’m not gonna go kill myself since we dont know what the future holds. Everything is possible. God will always have a plan for you. Always trust in God.

  3. jeevan says:

    honey never give up just hang in there even i had the same stuff goin on in my life all the friends were only after my money which i got to know after my dad explained how the world actually works …no never get into bad thoughts just be alone for a while figure out what you want in life enjoy yoga meditation, fresh walks on the beach, a vacation atleast thats what i did if you ever feel to talk to someone

  4. joseph c says:



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