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What Really Happens To All The Missing Socks?

I’m missing my favortie pair and I want answers.

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  1. God says:

    It’s a conspiracy by the government. The government enlisted all the washing machine companies in it too. The washing machine secretly eats up the sock. The government sells all the socks on the black market to raise funds for a secret yearly party with drugs and alcohol in the Oval Office.
    -The Almighty

  2. JAIMIE says:

    They went to Narnia to meet the lion and dance with strange human/goat things and eat carrots….. and do a bunch of other activities such as take a bath in foot powder. (I am not imposing your feet smell bad, because I do not know)

  3. B.I.T. says:

    your wore them too much and they went into another dimension so another you can wear them. since there are an unlimited number of dimensions. you are never getting them back.

  4. Marcus says:

    They are planning an invasion. An army of socks will attack the population in the year 2025.

  5. Watabe Riku says:

    Try finding in a place where old clothes are or around the place where u put dirty clothes. I usually find them behind the washing machine for some reason.

  6. Jennifer says:

    when you put them in the dryer an evil dwarf comes and takes them out. he then brings them back to his little dwarf hut and gives them to his wife and kids as gifts.

  7. LUCIFER says:

    Bermuda Triangle

  8. 143 says:

    Somewhere over the rainbow

  9. Amaziiin says:

    Somewhere in the laundry

  10. Pasune says:

    They are taken by sock trolls.

  11. DenR says:

    The dryer eats them.

  12. Laura says:

    Cheese lovers eat them


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