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What Is The Best Way To Advertise A Job Vacancy/opening Globally?

Need your help real bad. I need to know the best way of advertising a job vacancy/opening to countries such as Columbia and the UK since I am working in Asia.
Facebook, twitter, blog, Linked, Newspapers and magazines are common and I need some sort of Media, website and even materials to get this advertisement to these countries.
Is payment involved? What is the best way to spread the news of any job opening globally?
Please help! suggestions, ideas and opinions are open to all!

No Responses to “What Is The Best Way To Advertise A Job Vacancy/opening Globally?”

  1. Hari says:

    Hello Deekay,
    Advertising charges are involved for premium paid services. However, you need to administer caution while choosing the right medium.
    There is no proven ‘best’ way to globally spread the news of a job opening. However, the best depends on the kind of job opening and the geographical area where you want to advertise your jobs.
    Therefore various other factors to be considered such as the domain of work, skill sets you look for in the candidates, their educational qualifications etc.
    Executive search agencies help to fill niche positions such as COO, CFO, and CEO. For such positions, you’ll also need to employ strategies such as hiring from a competing organization. You could explore the leading exec search firms in the UK such as: Heidrick & Struggles; Egon Zender; Whitehead Mann; Zygos Partnership, and MWM Consulting.
    You’ll also need to be clear about the linguistic profile of the candidates, and where they’re expected to work.
    Assuming the nation you’ve mentioned, Colombia is largely a Spanish-speaking country. British English is spoken in the UK.
    There are few UK job sites such as Monster, JobSite, and Fish4Jobs. Reed seems to be the more popular among the lot.
    The language and tone should also be in accordance with the local culture where you want your Advertisements to be displayed
    You also might need to focus your advertisements where you’re most likely to find your ideal candidates. For instance, you’ll be more likely to find applicants in the 7 big cities of Columbia: Bogotá, Medellin, Cali, Barranquilla, Cartagena de Indias, Cúcuta, and Bucaramanga. (All these cities have populations of over a million).
    You could also look to hire from leading universities such as:
    National University of Colombia
    National Pedagogic University
    Technological University of Pereira
    University of the Amazon
    Technological University of Choco
    Industrial University of Santander
    PS: You could also use the LinkedIn Group “Colombia Recruitment”
    Also, you could use market situations to your advantage. The UK which is now hit hard by the economic slowdown has various pockets of employable job seekers. Birmingham seems to be the worst hit region in the UK. So, it would help to focus in that region.
    gap personnel and key personnel are two recruitment agents in the Birmingham area of Britain.
    All the best with your recruitment efforts.

  2. williom says:

    One of the best ways to give an ad about a job opening is Online Advertising. By giving advertisement through the Internet people staying in Columbia and UK can know about this vacancy. You can spread the news globally can be done by advertising through the Internet, which is very helpful to anyone. For posting an ad there are payment sites as well as free ones. Many websites are available to advertise globally as well as locally in which some of them are,, etc. You may get valuable information about vacancies related to jobs from these sites.

  3. falsi fiable says:

    Most people will see that as a scam. If you cannot find someone locally to fill that job opening, you are paying far too low a salary or you are looking for a CEO to run a Fortune 100 corporation.


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