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How Can I Motivate Myself To Do Better In School?

Im a 14 year old male and go to a middle school.Ive had a great reputation of being a nerd when I was younger,but I lost it around the middle of 7th grade.I just wanted to be like the other kids thats all.It wasnt much fun being one either,besides knowing I had a secured but unvisible future unlike the other kids,I was pretty lonely and there were VERY few others that shared my intrests.So I slowly became one of the but oh,much worse.I got addicted to energy drinks,started cutting,being very hateful and even made my mom give up on me.It was because I didnt fit in besides my niche as a nerd.Then I moved and started going to another middle school,where I get in my first relationship.I also left my past personality behind and everyone thought I was funny and cute untill I started to work really hard and lost those my lovable personality.I noticed and then i started slacking of blah blah so basicly im between slacking off and actually trying hard in school.How can I get rid of the slacking off part?Thanks sorry I typed so much and im also sorry for any mistakes Ive made L8ter its 12:28 Am lol

No Responses to “How Can I Motivate Myself To Do Better In School?”

  1. Justin Palmer says:

    Make a lot of money. Your peers will want to do what you’re doing so they can have the same success and It’s crazy I saw this because at 18 I’m my own boss in my own business and I asked myself “where can I find kids 14 and older who want to change their lives and boom I came across your question.
    Your motivation and belief level will be through the roof once you see what you could be doing with your life I guarantee you can accomplish anything you put your mind too.
    Add me on FB I really want to help you learn more and change your life with my business

  2. Troy F says:

    If you do good in your classes in middle school then you’ll be placed in higher classes in high school as a head start. High school grades are VERY important and determine scholarship grants for colleges and job resumes. When you’re in high school you should take a bunch of AP courses, they boost your GPA which is what colleges, universities, and jobs care about.
    Look at school as brain training. Putting effort into your classes MAKE YOU SMARTER. Look at any high school dropout, they’re dumb as a rock.
    I only took one AP course in high school and I seriously regret it. My university offers $15,000 scholarships to students with a very high GPA, mine wasn’t high enough.

  3. Shelly says:

    Be focused, avoid trying to fit in, just be yourself, aim high and you will do great.

  4. Rashi says:

    You can motivate yourself in many ways such as
    You can conversation with your parents, because your parents is your always your best wishes.
    Follow your ideal person in your life.
    Always think positive with high energy.
    You can do anything, if you have this attitude definitely you will motivate yourself.


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