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Are Homosexuals Better Off Without Religion?

I’m not saying all homosexuals should be atheist like me. But just not affiliate with a religion like Christianity. Religions are basically hate groups with extra sugar coating.
There is always non-relgious but spiritual, or deism etc. Its not always easy to find that balance to be religious and not oppress yourself all at the same time.

No Responses to “Are Homosexuals Better Off Without Religion?”

  1. The Lane in Spain says:

    Well, homosexuals are a subset of humanity so yes, far better off.

  2. Stuart says:

    In my opinion, yes. Even the so-called peaceful religions, that even Sam Harris has sympathized with are still hostile to homosexuals–look up the Dalai Lama–like Buddhism and Jainism.
    I am an atheist and to be clear, I think that these churches such as the Unitarian Universalists and liberal “fag churches” [1] are more dangerous than the Westboro Baptist Church, because they actually operate under the facade of “good religion” being a useful tool for society and something that everybody, atheists and Christians alike, should join. It legitimizes the same faith that allows Westboro Baptist Church and militant Islam. I was raised Unitarian, and cant understand why such rational people try to hide the science behind atheism, and use mystical terms to essentially run an atheist/liberal Christian organization.

  3. Auroch says:

    Anybody is better off without religion.

  4. Jay says:

    If you believe in God then bring God in your life and if you don’t then leave God out of your life. It depends how much your fair is.

  5. Percy says:

    There are plenty of Christian and Jewish denominations and other religions such as Buddhism which do not discriminate against homosexuality. When you make unwarranted hyperbolic generalizations about religion you’re really no better than the bigoted Christians are.

  6. bdb37 says:

    i believe in the TEACHINGS of Jesus of Nazareth, but i agree with you 100% that the religions that have grown up in his name have twisted his message.

  7. Nicki Minaj #1 Fan!!! says:

    Nobody is better without religion. Even though everyone is allowed to make their own decisions… it would be nice if everyone were Catholic. I kinda agree that most religious “people” are mean, demanding, and judgemental… although i know some good people that use the Love and Mercy of God to spread the religion. it’s never good if people only talk about hatred, anger, and damnation.

  8. 'tаɪ.lər says:

    LGBTQ people are better off without *homophobic* religions like Christianity and Islam that try to make people feel guilty or downright evil and worthy of eternal torture just for being who they are. Not all religions are like that; many religions are tolerant if not embracing of gender and sexuality minorities. Also, not all religions even posit a belief in God/gods. There are atheistic religions like Buddhism, Pantheism, Taoism, Naturalistic Paganism, etc.

  9. in4longh says:

    In the words of a famous quote I half remember “I like your God, but not your Christians.”
    I believe in God and his love for me above all else. However, even though I do go to church on regular occasion, I do not believe in organized religion/denominations.

  10. apple says:

    Yes, in all honesty. A person who says they are a Christian, yet has sexual relations with the same gender would be going against the teachings of the Bible. Christianity has nothing against people who are gay since we can’t help our feelings, but it does have something against people who have same-sex relations. Basically, gay people would have to be celibate.

  11. MsAnneTh says:

    Everyone would be better off without religion.


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