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People Who Post Vids On Youtube?

Don’t you get recognized on the street, huh your that it okay or annoying? How do u get people to watch it?

No Responses to “People Who Post Vids On Youtube?”

  1. Pervert Pete says:

    Im not famous yet, but so far the small number of fans I do have seem to really love my stuff. Just make videos people like. I found a small niche that some people like so I just have to keep making the videos and eventually, they will get out to the right people! Good videos + good title and keywords + consistent uploading = Fans.

  2. PERSON says:

    I had friends who saw someone they adore and admire on YouTube and they would say nice things to them and ask for pictures. Of course its not annoying its nice being recognized. You start slow when trying to get people to watch it all depends on what the video is about!

  3. Seth says:

    If it’s a weekly series, upload vids every week even if people don’t watch it. The more vids you have, the more likely you will be seen. I upload minecraft videos every 2 days and already have 1000 views and 6 subs. I started 1 month ago

  4. unknown says:

    most ppl r so desperate for views, that they spam their videos, no one really watches them. and to the ppl that r famous on youtube i dont know who the hell they r. there like z list celebs. there only popular among a certain group on the internet.


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