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Should I Learn A Lesser Known Or More Popular Programming Language?

Considering various programming languages to learn in my field and I am wondering which would be a better path to take: learn a popular language that is widely used and there is high demand for, but there is also a lot of competition for (Java for example) OR learn a more niche language that fewer people know thereby increasing my unique skills, but which there is also less demand for (Python, for example)

No Responses to “Should I Learn A Lesser Known Or More Popular Programming Language?”

  1. Keith says:

    Call agencies who hire programmers and ask them what languages they are looking for and which they never get calls for.

  2. Comicbook Reader says:

    Learn a language widely used and then apply this to a lesser known language. Many languages have similarities and a good programmer can adapt quickly.
    Now, if you really want a career, learn Java and figure out how to plug all their holes.

  3. Princess says:

    If you’re just starting out then it’s better to go for a more popular language. It will get you into the workplace quicker, and with a few years’ real-world programming experience it will be much easier to find and choose a job you really want.
    Programming skills are pretty easily transferred between languages anyway. If you have a solid knowledge of programming fundamentals, but only know Java, then it will only take you a couple of weeks to learn Python. As long as you have a good understanding of the fundamentals of programming then most languages can be learnt in a short period of time.

  4. tbshmkr says:

    Learn a “more” popular programming language.
    A lesser known language would narrow your job choice, but you would have to be flexible [industry, geography, …] in your search.


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