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Anybody Know About Illuminati?

I heard lot about Illuminati and these secret societies tryin to take over us and stuff but from what ive heard it’s pretty dumb like Jay z is trying to make us worship the devil and stuff? Can anybody help or tell me what I can watch or read to learn more stuff about it?

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  1. Dubbs says:

    I’ve been researching the Illuminati for several years now, so I believe I can be of assistance. There’s a lot of youtube video’s you’ll come across and 90% of them are in regards to the music industry, which is a very small portion of the Illuminati agenda. Unless you research this diligently you won’t the grand spectrum. You can’t completely trust youtube video’s, yet some of them are pretty good like the ones delving into the Sandy Hook shootings and some of the 9/11 ones.
    V is for Vice set you on the right track with what he said about the Patriot Act and the presidents. But one thing you need to notice is that presidents are basically puppets, especially Obama. The government is very corrupt because it is essentially under Illuminati control. Once you understand where the Illuminati gets it’s power from you can begin to see why the system works the way it works. The Illuminati’s main source of power is money. Not a whole lot of people actually understand how the monetary system works, thus they fail to realize how important it is. If you get past the banking terminology, which is meant to confuse, you’ll notice the government has basically traded all it’s gold and power credit and debt. The Federal Reserve, which is the Central Bank of the United States, is an independent corporation, not owned by the government, but by private shareholders through the stock market. This is why the Illuminati has so much power; they’ve bought up every major corporation that would be helpful in this agenda. A lot of people hardly notice that the music industry is made up of a bunch of corporations. Not all celebrities are part of the Illuminati, in fact, very few are. Celebrities sign contracts with various record companies. These record companies assign a director and choreographer to make music videos. These celebrities don’t have control over anything that goes on in the video, they are simply paid to perform. The Illuminati lie behind the scenes making all the decisions. Delving a bit further into these record companies, you’ll find that these companies are owned by bigger corporations; the same ones that control the media. The Illuminati bought out the media so they can insert their own editors and make people believe what they see, hear and read on the news is fact. Record labels, media, cable TV networks, energy companies, etc. are all consolidated and owned by bigger companies the Illuminati own.
    Satanism is another part of the Illuminati, but there’s only limited writing space here so I won’t be able to cover that. But let me just say Jay Z isn’t trying to get people to worship the devil. Whether he does or not is his choice, the only interest the Illuminati has on celebrities are the influence they have over the mass population.
    If you want to learn about the Illuminati there are a variety of books to look into. I prefer books over web pages because books take a lot of research to write and there’s a lot of fact checking that goes with it. A lot of what you read on the internet could be BS, which is where you need to do your part and use logic to discern for yourself what to believe. Some pretty good books to look into would be “Illuminati Facts and Fiction” by Mark Dice. “Bohemian Grove; Cult of Conspiracy” by Mike Hanson, “The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy” by Jim Marrs, “The Creature from Jekyll Island” by G. Edward Griffin, “Human Race Get off your Knees” by David Icke.
    I’ll give you a couple of documentaries and lectures to look over as well:
    “Freedom to Fascism”, “Money Masters”, “New World Order Wake Up Call”, “Terrorstorm”, “Hacking Democracy”, “Conspiracy of Silence”, “Satanism in the CIA”.
    The Illuminati tentacles reach into almost every organization that has importance in our lives because they control the money and money runs the world. If you look at everything as a business and see the purpose is to make money, a lot of things begin to unfold. Look at the pharmaceutical companies; they make all their money off of people’s illnesses, and then ask the question “why is there no cure for the common cold?” You realize cures have been suppressed, companies that make Advil, Aleive, and Nyquil would go out of business if a cure was shelved. Medication is made to treat the symptoms of illnesses, not the illness itself.

  2. D™ says:

    It isn’t real, or at least in the control over the entire world sense that society is so enthralled with. Period.
    People talk so much about how they let popular artists influence them to take over the world, and how they cant think for themselves, yet they believe some bullshit stories they found on the internet. The entire illuminati theory these days is based on the idea that a racist society has placed triangles in black music to influence kids negatively.
    lol @ “scary. and it makes total since”. Just like her sentences, right?

  3. Kayla Shortridge says:

    Search illuminati on YouTube. You’ll find some really interesting stuff. It’s not just Jay-Z, it’s a line of other celebs, McDonald’s, Walmart, etc. Te illuminati is basically the government and politics. It’s all about the new world order and things that are coming like RFID chips.

  4. V is for Vice says:

    You should fear our own U.S government, they are the ones who are watching us, and they are planning to control and take away your very civil liberties and set up a communist regime, that is a real conspiracy. Both George W Bush and President Obama supported the Patriot Act, a law that allowed the U.S government to monitor e-mails, listen to your phone calls, websites, and even your finances. President Obama supports Drones, being used on American citizens suspected on making terrorist threats, he also signed the NDAA bill into action several years ago under his first term. The NDAA law gives the military the power to detain American citizens without trial suspected of being terrorist, the NDAA law also has to do with the current fiscal budget. The NDAA bill basically implements martial law. The government set up our economy for financial disaster to make the American people more dependent on government aid. To depend on government is socialism and from socialism comes communism. Perhaps the biggest sign of this conspiracy to be very real, is the governments plan to disarm Americans, without guns people can not defend themselves from their new world order like tyranny. This has happened in numerous countries, guns were taken away from the citizens right before their government set up a regime (The Phillipines for example). People may not believe this or label this as a crazy conspiracy theory but all of this is very real and is happening right now, just look at Iraq and Iran and the middle east at the moment.
    As for the music industry, I do not believe that artist sell their souls to the devils for fame, Unless the illuminati devils are a blanket term, for greedy capitalist who commercialize and exploit the music industry for profit.
    As for the illuminati that term came from the Bavarian Society of the same name, in the 17th century during the enlightment period. (enlighten= illuminate= to shine). It’s descendants are said to be members of the freemasons brotherhood, which the illuminati was founded on. I do not know however, what this has to do with the current commercialized music industry and it’s musicians.
    I wouldn’t go on YouTube to research the Illuminati, anyone can make a YouTube video and use it to upload bullshit, “harlem shake” therefore I do not use it as a credible source. Maybe use your local library or archives on the internet.

  5. Mhegne says:

    look at a video on youtube called “illumicorp” it explains almost everything…

  6. Mike says:

    The Illuminati has NOTHING to do with ANY of these rappers–period. They are talking $hit so the kids we’ll eat it up and think they’re cool. Research the Illuminati and the Bilderberg Group, then tell me what you think.

  7. Brielle says:

    IT”S REAL!! Way too much to tell you on here, but seriously, look it up..scary, and totally makes since. Mainstream stars (most)= BAD

  8. Bruiser says:

    Everybody knows about it. You’re not special because you know it.

  9. Jet Life says:


  10. Freeman says:

    Lol its fake, people want to have something to look for

  11. Stuffed Rabbit says:

    We’ll ask you nicely, just this once, not to pursue this line of enquiry.


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