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A Help On Keyword Research On Niches?

Hey Guys,
I am new to internet marketing and i have just started to build niche websites. I have found some profitable niches after doing some keyword research on them. They are:
– back acne
– bacne
– body acne
– olay pro-x
I just want to make sure they are profitable and just want to know about their competition.
Just wanna cross check the work i did as a beginner.
Please just tell me if they are good or not? If not, how?
And a little more thing about the EMD update of google? what is it actually?
Can i register a exact match domain for a quality website after EMD update?

No Responses to “A Help On Keyword Research On Niches?”

  1. Helen liau says:

    Ya its real happens.

  2. Mark says:

    Hi Nishant.
    Without going and doing the research I don’t know whether those niches will be profitable for you. Although to look at them, there will certainly be motivated buyers in those niches, so I suspect the potential is there.
    The real challenge is picking keywords that make sense for the site that you want to build, and then creating content that deserves to rank for those keywords. I’ve written a guide to how I do keyword research and select relevant keywords here:
    After that you just need to work hard at building good content and marketing that content. To make money in this sort of a niche your biggest challenge will probably be building trust, so try to build a brand.
    Regarding exact match domains:
    Having an EMD will NOT give you any advantage in terms of getting rankings. But equally, it will not harm your site.
    Because they were abused in the past, EMDs often look spammy, so it may be worth instead coming up with more of a brand name type domain and try to build a brand that people can trust.
    For instance, rather than:
    olayproxacnetreatments (.com)
    go for something more like:
    theacneexpert (.com)
    Hope that helps.

  3. Cun says:

    Treatment acne
    remove acne

  4. Jake says:

    Exact match domain names still can have a significant ranking advantage, a few test searches can conform this, though Google has received enough complaints about lower quality sites getting unfair ranking to warrant their “looking into it” the value if them will probably be discounted soon, that being a name that makes sense as a business title may be important, some junk keyword domain might only be suitable as a satellite link source. Do use the [Exact match] and local options in the Google keyword Tool to get more accurate traffic estimates for a keyword, while the top search results is said to get about 34% of all search clicks, the clicks are about 1/2 as much for each 2 position drop in SRP. So the 9th result on page 1 might be projected to get about 2% of the estimated [exact match] traffic.
    One useful research tool is Market Samuri, it has a full function trial period and some affiliates offer purchase lick backs to lower the moderate price, it combines mostly public keyword data in handy competitiveness indicators. All of the best exact match .com names are gone, a previously suggested incorporating a keyword in a longer domain name still provides some benefit with out looking so SEO spammy. The bulk search link under the Godaddy Find Your Name tab helps you check the availability of a list of name ideas. My favorite domain name checker tool that tried a dictionary of ad on words has gone away, but there are probably other similar time savers out here.
    The name alone is just one small aspect, you still need lots of quality original content and regular updates to keep the search engines interested, some sites get more traffic from single occurrences of long tail keywords than from targeted keywords (probably less so in a niche site) you certain want to avail yourself of all the tracking you can handle to see what keywords are actually bring the traffic as well as which ones result in clicks.

  5. Aimee says:

    besides olay pro-x; they are not really buying keywords. So unless they are super easy to rank or/and the search volume is at least over 10k a month (exact match) – I probably wouldn’t go for them.
    10K is just a real shot in the dark – since you won’t really know how well it converts until you try it – plus I don’t know what your offer is.
    The other option is run an PPC campaign to test the waters first and get some conversion numbers. But that can get very price if you are just starting out.

  6. SEOeStor says:

    The best in Keyword research that will help you with all needed info is “google keyword tool”
    this is the best 😉
    after you find your best keywords you can check our cheap backlinks services at:

  7. John says:

    Recently, EMD or exact match domains have become less valuable. It’s not that they still don’t carry weight and help you rank in Google, they are just less effective than they used to be. Back acne is certainly a more profitable niche than acne in general, because it is less competitive. The less competitive the niche that you choose, the easier it will be for you to get rankings on search engines like Google. Companies like the one in my source can help you get those rankings quickly, they provide link building and other types of services that can boost your rankings significantly. However, the first step is to look at your keywords and decide whether back acne is something that is profitable. To do this, you can use the Google keyword tool. It will tell you how many searches these keywords get per month. However, do not rely on the ‘competition’ column that this keyword tool has. This is referring to the competition in paid advertisements, which is not going to be what you will be using. Instead, you will be using Google’s organic search section, which the keyword tool does not provide competition data for.


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