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Which School Backpack To Choose????!?

So for school i want a backpack but I cant decide which one to get, look at the price, the reviews, and the material it is made of.
Choice 1:
Choice 2:
put down choice one or two and the reasons why…

No Responses to “Which School Backpack To Choose????!?”

  1. Renee says:

    Choice 2!! It’s so cool, the other ones a bit too girly if you know what I mean 🙂

  2. Lily. says:

    Jansport one.
    Mainly because it will go with pretty much anything you wear, and it’s on sale, so why the hell not.

  3. joel says:

    Red one cause the couler is cooooooooooooool

  4. abi says:

    cute look or retro look, it depends really on your personality

  5. beth says:

    the denim acid one,its way cheaper and Jansport is a really good make for heavy books, There are no bad reviews if you forget about the way it looks as it is denim that has been dipped in acid not the other way round!
    The floral one is alright but it is slouchy material so it might slouch and make the shape weird?
    I dunno.
    Jansport is an amazing make my bro got his in year 7 and still uses it now, in year 11 and has no rips.

  6. Nancy says:

    that is so hard, both are nice! personally i would choose the first one because the inside and the straps are so gorgeous with the main print.
    But then again, the second one would be easier to wear different outfits with!

  7. World Traveler says:

    Definitely choice 1.


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