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A President Is Not A Leader. Why Do We Have One?

A true leader represents ALL of the people as a single whole, not one political party such as Republican, Democrat, Libertarian. I know most people would disagree with me but what we need is a Monarch. Perhaps not an absolute monarchy but a constitutional monarchy like what several other nations have. A figure head that represents the best of all of us and who can truly represent the people. Someone that a president must bow to and answer to to keep HIM in check. Such a leader should not be affiliated with any party nor should they have a hidden agenda. They would exist to represent the people. I want a figure head that I can respect and die for. Not this pretender “American” that disgraces the white house with his presence. This Kenyan foreigner.

No Responses to “A President Is Not A Leader. Why Do We Have One?”

  1. Iyam A. Phony says:

    Ovomit is not a leader or an American.

  2. MobFathe says:

    Exactly !
    A President represents ALL Americans
    Obama pits one group against another. It’s all community organizers know how to do.

  3. My Baby! says:

    Unfortunately we do not at this time have a True leader and we have so many who believe he is not President but some God or Father figure and these people just have really screwed up America cause we are going down if we stay on this path……..

  4. Brandon says:

    Why have any idiot in charge? People are more than capable running their own lives and surviving without any form of government. All a government does is strip us of our rights controlling ever aspect of our lives or making it incredibly difficult to do the things WE NEED TO DO.

  5. y says:

    Oh don’t you worry about it, in another year or two the chosen one will assume his thrown and his family will rule the next hundred years over the US. No more bickering amongst the parties because any that disagrees, will disappear. He already has his list of those that oppose, reported one by our fellow citizens on their neighbors.

  6. Gum control says:

    I 100% agree with you. parties have been a problem since day1. they:
    – divide more than unite,
    – Don’t focus on the REAL issues facing american in this day and age,
    – Give way for those in power to abuse it and get others (who normally wouldn’t) agree with them b/c they are representing their party.


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