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Do You Think The Illuminati/new World Order Is Real?

What exactly is it, and why all these celebrities throwing up hand signs???
This will also help if I get answers from non-christians.

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  1. Dubbs says:

    I know the Illuminati is real, I’ve been researching it for a couple of years now. However there’s a growing misconception about what the Illuminati is. Before I get started I’d like to note that I’m not a Christian anymore. I was raised a Roman Catholic, but there is way too much error in that religion.
    The Illuminati don’t have as much to do with the music industry as most people think. A common misunderstanding is for people think a bunch of celebrities sold their soul to the devil for fame and fortune; people who subscribe to this belief take the metaphor too literally. “He sold his soul to the devil”, it’s a common metaphor, or at least was 10 years ago.
    The Illuminati more so focus under banking, secret societies and politics. What this has to do with the music industry I’ll eventually get to. Not many people actually understand our monetary system, they don’t like the numbers, the banking terminology is too difficult to understand so they never really put much thought into it. It is because of this lack of understanding that gives the Illuminati its power. A bunch of financial oligarchs have been ruling the world from behind the scenes. Every 4-8 years we get new president’s in office, each promising change, but nothing ever comes from it. The last president to actually attempt change was John F. Kennedy and he got his head blown off. When politicians run for office they needs certain funding, where do they get these funds? No politician will bite the hand that feeds them so the rich industrialists that fund their campaigns have leverage over these politicians. Before Obama became president he was heavily funded by Wall Street and as soon as he became president he filled his cabinet with Wall Street executives.George Bush, before becoming a politician owned Abusto energy, which received its funding from a wealthy Middle Eastern man known as the Salem bin Laden, older brother of Osama. Bush was also an initiate of the Skull & Bones Secret Society at Yale University, as was his father and grandfather before him. The financial oligarchs have much more power then the average person would think. Many politicians work with the Illuminati through coercion, bribery and blackmail. It is the politicians guiding this country into the New World Order on behalf of the financial elite. They own numerous businesses through the stock markets and are main shareholders of the banking cartel, media, oil companies, etc. The Rothschild Dynasty has controlled the European banks for over 200 years. The Federal Reserve is owned by the Rockefeller and Morgan families, not by the government. By controlling the central bank of a country they decide the inflation and interest rates. President James Garfield said it best, “Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce.” We’re not taught about the power of banking in schools because in 1971 the General Board of Education ran out of funds and was subsumed by the Rockefeller Foundation, so this secret organization decided what gets taught in schools. Is it surprising to know that SAT scores are at their lowest? John D. Rockefeller, patriarch of the Rockefeller family was quoted on saying “I want a nation of workers, not a nation of thinkers.”
    The media is a business, much like anything else. It’s controlling interests are owned by the Illuminati. Over the span of 25 years, 50 companies have been monopolized and consolidated into 5 central organizations. A company named Vivendi owns NBC, USA, SyFy networks and all their subsidiaries, including Universal Music Group. Time Warner owns Warner Brothers, Time Magazine, HBO, and Warner Music Group. The music industry is owned by the media, which is controlled by the Illuminati. This secret society has realized that people are waking up and asking questions like “What is the Illuminati?” The misconception about the music industry is a source of disinformation. Half as many celebrities people think are in the Illuminati really aren’t. The musicians sign contracts with record companies, which entitles those companies to 50% of their annual income. Depending on the clauses of these contracts they rarely get to choose their own wardrobe or choreograph their own performances. So if Beyonce wears a Satanic outfit or Rhianna appears on stage inside a triangle, it wasn’t necessarily their choice to do so. Where the musicians make $5-$6 million a year, the Illuminati, which stay out of the spotlight existing on an executive level make about $20 million a year.

  2. Dubbs says:

    It’s just celebrities capitalizing on the fact that people buy into ridiculous conspiracies.
    The real Illuminati was a group of freethinkers in Bavaria from 1776-1785 that advocated logic and reason as what should govern human behavior instead of religion or royalty. The royalty in Bavaria clearly didn’t like this. On order of Karl Theodore (the prince) Adam Weishaupt’s house was raided (Illuminati’s founder). The membership records were seized, the members arrested, and the group disbanded by 1785.
    Even when they existed, they weren’t an evil group, their whole premise was that people should be rational and good to each other.
    New World Order is something that’s completely from the imagination. There has never been evidence of it, ever.
    Think about it, a secret society involved in world domination conspiracies … and they can’t keep it out of youtube and the urban music industry? Seriously now, c’mon.

  3. Fitz says:

    OK…If the Illuminati were real, then WHY would they have celebrities throwing up hand-signs? Why would an organization that relies on utmost secrecy constantly give out hints that it exists?
    If you actually look at any of these insane YouTube videos, and compare the claims, the claims cannot possibly be true. One video will claim that the Illuminati is behind one set of conspiracies, another will claim that they are behind the forces that stopped that other conspiracy from coming to fruition.
    The Celebrities throwing up the hand-signs are just trying to look cool. That’s all there is to it. They’re generating mystery. Just like an artist using an old symbol…it conveys an idea. It’s not saying, “Look, I’m part of the invisible group that’s always watching you.”
    Frankly, if the claims are true, then there are literally MILLIONS of people all involved in this ultra-secret conspiracy…and not a single one of them has talked, ever. Except for the endless clues that they apparently leave out just to rile up a few schizophrenics that are terrified of geometry.
    Read real history. The supposedly ‘illuminati’ symbols have a very open and obvious history, that only seem scary or mysterious to people who are very, very gullible.
    Don’t be one of those people.

  4. Noa Bach says:

    Celebrities throwing up hand signs?
    Like.., for attention? Is that what you mean? I believe it is possible.
    But, The Illuminati might be real. The New World Order might be real. The two might be connected in some way. I doubt that The Reptilian part of the conspiracy theory is true, though.
    But, why would any thinking person be involved in that? Unless they were very brazen, or if they couldn’t believe the prophecies were relevant, for some reason, and were mocking them?
    I don’t worry about it. It’s kind of an End Times thing anyway…, and if it is true, then so was the prophecy.
    So.., why care?

  5. Fitz says:

    Have you read – In the minds of men, Darwin and the New World order by Ian T. Taylor? It gives a history of the New World Order. Yes I believe in it. it has already taken over our schools, science, and liberal news media. It is biblical, and becoming more controlling every day in the World. It is a progressive move of power over the world. When Obama picks one or two more progressive liberal Supreme Court judges you will see the sovereignty of the people be over powered by big government leading us more so towards one world government.

  6. Steve says:

    Hi Noah…It’s John M who is now just John because I can’t seem to access my old account due to people messing about with my yahoo account.I will get around to accessing my account but for the moment I am using this one.
    I think in the human mind Noah you can make anything as real as you want it to mean to you.
    The idea of the Illuminati/New World Order has been around for a long time.
    With the rise of the internet we can imagine anything and there are so many sites that will support our …confirmation bias!
    I know your Stateside and I know that the Fundamental Christians in the USA has a peculiar way of looking at things.
    They see the Bogeyman where they want him to be.
    I’ve looked myself at these sites with the hand signals and I’ve looked at sites were they cleverly play rock music backwards to state these people who just enjoy making music are closet or covert Satanists.
    I tend to be contemptuous about these things.
    So what if the Illuminati/NWO are real!
    What are they doing to you that you are aware of and how can you stop them?
    Will they be able to stop your transformation from matter to spirit?
    How will they change your inner you….the real you…that will never die?
    Why does it matter when you are the sole controller of your spiritual destiny?
    You should read The Cosmic Drama….a Gnostic book that describes human beings at their basest level and it also will give you an insight into the Saviour and Logos.
    I hope you’ve been keeping well and I have missed your questions.
    God Bless John.

  7. Agnostic Polytheist says:

    I used too be really into studying about that stuff but there are sooooo many conspiracy THEORIES and that’s all they are are theories. I’m not saying if they’re true or false I’m saying I don’t know and I’m not scared of “them” in the slightest. Frankly I don’t really care about peoples ideas about it when I can learn about God and objective Truth.

  8. Alan says:

    Devil worshippers, they sell their souls for worldly pleasures.
    “And they learn that which harms them and profits them not. And indeed they knew that the buyers of it (magic) would have no share in the Hereafter. And wretched indeed was that for which they sold their souls, if they but knew..”
    [Qur’an 2:102]

  9. John says:

    Yes. There is too much evidence to deny that they have a tight grip on the music industry. The symbolism is everywhere – pyramid over one eye; devil horns hand signals, pentagrams, etc.
    Check out the sites below. No way it’s all just coincidence or a gimmick.………

  10. Mecca Valley says:

    Look up George h.w bush new world order.. the former president had these plans and I’m sure it’s still moving forward.

  11. TruthSee says:

    The only place it is real is in the minds of psychotics.

  12. Mr.Longr says:

    not quite as silly as alien abductions…but close

  13. ---- says:

    The jury is still out


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