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Should I Change My First Name?

Hi I am a female, 26 years old.
I want to change my FIRST name. Ok , I don’t really “want to”, but I feel like I have to because
I want to cut off COMPLETELY with the people that come from my country of origins. i love my country but I hate its societal mentalities and customs and especially its religion. Now every time I pull up in a gas station or convenience store and pull my debit card someone from that religious/cultural background reads my name and of course can tell I am from that culture and they immediately think I am their friend. I want to get a neutral name that is not affiliated with any religious group or specific region in the world
Ps. getting a nickname is NOT an option, since people still see your real name in business.
Now I am afraid that changing my first name will result in a sense of “loss of identity’ or something.. or maybe I will look back someday and think: “that was too much”.
Is this valid enough reasons to change a first name ?

No Responses to “Should I Change My First Name?”

  1. GentleBe says:

    Haha are you Mexican?

  2. Tom C says:

    I think that it’s perfectly fine to do so. Especially if it will make your life easier.
    I changed my last name when I was 20. The name I had caused me a lot of problems growing up. The hardest part was telling my family. But they were all OK with it.
    Good luck!

  3. lilly of the valley says:

    ok so change it – I know people that have changed their name but you shouldn’t be ashamed of where you come from and people will find out anyway – just change your first name informally – not legally – simply ask everyone to call you by your new name

  4. Lili says:

    Well, think about the practical problems, such as the problems of changing all your documents, getting people at home and at school or work to call you by the new name. Do you feel prepared to put up with all that? Will your family be angry and hostile? Can you cope with THAT?
    Moreover, ask yourself whether your surname, too, gives away your ethnicity. If it does, will changing your first name really help?
    Finally, what do you look like? If by chance you are middle eastern, I have to point out that many middle easterners look unmistakeably like they are from that part of the world. Some don’t, but some do.
    If you think you can change your first name with few practical problems, without major family issues, and without being recognizable as whatever you are by your surname and appearance, go ahead. Otherwise, it might not be worth the trouble.

  5. Dart says:

    Your name/choice to change your name ≠ royalty.
    Please post somewhere where the advice is logical.

  6. HRH Posh Pooch! says:

    Not only should you change your name, you should change the category in which you are asking this question. This is the royalty forum. We are here to discuss royalty. We are not here to discuss name changes. Can you understand the difference, or do you need further clarification?
    Do not use the excuse that the system placed your question here. It did not. YOU placed it here. You were given several options to choose from and you went with the first one without even checking to see what it was, either out of sloppiness or just plain laziness. Pay better attention in future.

  7. Roanne's says:

    You know it won’t bother you if you don’t let it. Maybe the people who are friendly with you are just happy to see their fellow people, be happy of it too because they are part of your past and your experience of them made you who you are because of it you know what you want to be and what you don’t want to be, so be thankful for it.
    About changing your name, the side effects are already peeping in on you, your current name might bother you of a few things now, but you already have another bunch of problems bothering you the moment you change it.
    So the solution learn to live with the advantages and disadvantages of things, the change of name is not vital but a change of mind set is. Either you choose to change your name or not there is always something to worry about, either choice you make.


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