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How Do You Know What God Is Asking You To Do?

I have had my ups and downs in life questioned God not that he is there but what I am supposed to do.. and If I am going to heaven or not.. But my wheels kees spinningng And don’t feel I am going any place . But it seems like God is taking care of me. But don’t know if I am doing what I am supposed to do right now my heart feels heavy>

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  1. DemonnPr says:

    I am Baptist, and we are taught that everything we need to know is in the Bible, but God actually communicates with you personally. Whatever it is you need to know He will tell you. He communicates with everyone differently, but this is how I personally know what God is telling ME to do in moments:
    Usually if it’s something I’m called to do, it weighs heavily on my mind, sometimes I even cry over it like I am grieving, and it becomes a disturbance to my everyday life until a solution to that problem pops into my head. I was sexually abused when I was younger, and so fast forward, whenever I hear someone was raped or when I found out that the rape crisis center in Tokyo was not 24/7, it bothered me GRAVELY. Also, I had this want to learn Japanese. I am half Japanese, but because the person who abused me was my father, given that he is the one who is Japanese, I had no desire what so ever to EVER be affiliated with that part of me, but it kept weighing on me. Fast forward again, I speak Japanese fluently, and I record songs and use what I make from them to try and donate to the crises center, all with this plan in my head about establishing more places like that. All that hurt I went through and am still going though I believe is prepping me for dealing with the ridicule of people who hate what I do simply because it is good. I have already experienced glimpses of that. I actually experienced some more ridicule just last night.
    That’s just my way of knowing how God is speaking to me, but everyone is different. I have had that feeling many times of “What is it I am supposed to be doing?” But what you do is pray about it. And yes you are allowed to tell God “Hey, I need to know what it is you want me to do.” Not in a mean way, but just telling him. And if you do choose to ask a question like that, He already knew you were gonna ask it so you might as well.
    Also, a lot of people think “worldly” about crying. What I mean is that they think crying is a sign of weakness, but it actually cleanses the soul. A lot of that heaviness on your heart could be because you need to cry it out. And in case you haven’t felt THAT kind of crying then I’ll explain just in case: What I mean by “cry” is not “shed a couple tears” What I mean is to cry from a deep place. Where it feels like you’ll never stop crying and that nothing will ever get better, and where you feel completely helpless to stop the tears. That is a real cry. Once you cry like that you almost never cry or feel heaviness that deeply from the exact same thing. And you can’t force yourself to cry like that. In order to really cry you have to be strong enough to allow yourself to feel YOUR pain and to allow pain to do what it’s there for and to embrace that pain as it is what is making you stronger. But again, this is going based on what I’ve experienced.
    I hope this helps.

  2. redheade says:

    You use your faith when you ask God for something and you don’t seem to have an answer; you believe He has heard you and you wait on HIm. If you read in the Word something specific you are to do, like helping those less fortunate, then you do it as you can and when you see a need (don’t neglect your own bills or family). It says tithe, you tithe.
    As far as other things that are not specific in the Word like that, alot of times it’s just a strong feeling in your heart that you need to do something, or a passion God puts there.

  3. Non Sequitur II says:

    You can’t know with 100% certainty because God doesn’t speak with precision, if at all. If you have faith in God, then you might as well have faith in your ability to divine God’s will. The general protocol is to pray, and rely on whatever prayer reveals to you.

  4. G C says:

    What God is telling you to do is to seek first the Kingdom in every area of your life. What you do for a living is not a direction of God, but how you do it is.

  5. Neat Guy says:

    The best thing aperson can do in this situation is too sit and wait for all good things come from god for those who wait and then when you here his voice then do what he tells you too do.-Jesus Christ

  6. "god" does nothing says:

    God cannot tell you anything, because he doesn’t exist. You can, however, tell yourself things and pretend it’s god talking.

  7. Indie Jesus says:

    “But it seems like God is taking care of me.”
    You wouldn’t say this about a father that abandoned you, would you?

  8. Tommieca says:

    God wants you to gird your loins and get in the battle. There is lots to be done. You sound like a man just got a job and don’t know what it is.


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