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Should A Center-left Social Moderate Be Affiliated The Republican Or Democratic Party?

I took a quiz and this is what I got.
Don’t know what that is? here is the link
I suppose this is what happens when you oppose abortion and support strong gun ownership rights while supporting a mildly government-regulated economy and supporting a standardized education system.

No Responses to “Should A Center-left Social Moderate Be Affiliated The Republican Or Democratic Party?”

  1. Avg Joe says:

    That sounds more right to me than center left. Lefties are pro abortion, anti gun and pro government regulation.

  2. dogtear5 says:

    YOU can be a mix on all the issues…. taking sides is stupid!!!! Brainwashing!!!!
    GET rid of the politcal parties !!!! They suck….
    WE SHOULD ALL ….Stop working and Protest day and night?
    Refuse to pay taxes ? All taxes, no revenue!
    Revolt? Bit ch gripe and complain?
    March in Washington D.C.,
    Have our own television station where average ordinary people can talk and discuss what is on their mind 24/7? We are baffled with BS, preoccupied and entertained with non-sense… while our lovely polticans keep laughing all the way to the bank with OUR money.
    Are we all that stupid?
    When it is too late? When they reduce us all to squander?
    When we realize that our government’s wasteful spending is to intentionally purposefully bankrupt the system… that is what they want! To destroy the country from within…
    When we agree that the economic recovery package, i.e. the stimulus bill was a scam!!! LQQK at any page, LQQK for dollar signs and see where they actaully spent our money. A total misappropriation of taxpayer money to their cronies, a total earmarked pet pork project bill that did absolutely nothing to help the economy…..
    When our freedoms are taken away from us? Like the lobster slowly boiling in a pot of water?
    When we realize that our representatives are all socialists / communists ?
    When we understand that we’ve been duped years ago, and continually manipulated? Conditioned?
    That the political parties are nothing more than a divide and conquer strategy? It is so easy to get 50% of agreement on any issue, and then blame the indescretions on the other party. Belittle and criticze them, call them names, astro turf,, terrorists, racists, etc. The problem reaction solution…
    they get what they want because WE THE PEOPLE are not saying anything… it becomes acceptable… it is not okay waht they are doing.
    The casting blame and fingerpointing has got to stop, WE THE PEOPLE PARTY, the American party you and me… put stupid politics aside and lets all start thinking for ourselves. The country can not sustain the road that we are on, be prepared, get ready, because when the SHTF, we are all in the same boat. WE have seen how our government responded to Katrina, Sandy, etc. They are worthless, but will provide billions of OUR money to aid other countries… everything they touch or are associated with is crap, because they are all dirty corrupt scumbags.


  3. Conservative America says:

    I say it is an independent, tough they would most likely vote republican. You sound pretty unbiased and fair.

  4. imnotawi says:

    You can be affiliated with either party. Focus more on your economic vision than on the social issues. If you’re generally more in favor of lower taxes and less regulations (we all understand that some are needed; I like having my food inspected), consider the Republican Party. If you prefer more government intervention and more economic parity, consider the Democratic Party.


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