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How To Use Primary, Secondary And Long Tail Keywords On A Webpage?

Hello guys, i want to create a niche website. I don’t know how to use my PRIMARY, SECONDARY and LONG TAIL keywords in:

-other important places i need to put on keywords and how to put them.
And what are header tags and meta tag and how to use these keywords in them?
Please guys help me out, i am stuck 🙁
Please let me know asap
Thank you 🙂

No Responses to “How To Use Primary, Secondary And Long Tail Keywords On A Webpage?”

  1. Jake says:

    Search engines are getting better at recognizing manipulative designs, and don’t like them, they also now employ human reviewers who recognize other site tricks the spiders don’t.
    Keyword research is still worthwhile, but stuffing them into each page according to formula may now be too heavy handed, incorporating the keywords in the body of an article and when appropriate in the title may do. You might have a different keyword in mind to use as the theme as you write each article.
    Using keywords in your navigation menu is one of the more natural and useful ways to use anchor text, excessive keyword anchor text from external sites can raise a red flag. It may be better to spend your time creating more original content than stuffing in keywords by formula.
    The Meta description may be picked up and used as the summary text in search results, becoming your first persuasive contact with a prospect, try to give each page a different meta description. Meta keyword tags are now ignored by Google, they were too easy a way to misrepresent a site’s content.
    An article title is likely to appear on the page URL, that’s fine, footers have historically been a favorite place for spam messages, like in blog theme and are not give much weight in search engines.
    Some sites reports the majority of search traffic coming from long tail keywords that may only be seen a single time, search engine techniques like latent Symantec indexing allows search engines to still match such long tails to the subject of an article.

  2. Prashant Kumar says:

    check keywords tools and if you use long tail keywords then its compitition is high and local search is around 1000/month . serach the keywords like that and put in your website footer.

  3. SynapseI says:

    If your site is new then you need to put your most converted keyword into title and then all other need to put in description and keyword meta tag. You also need to put your broad head keywords in footer too.
    For best solution you can contact with our expert at

  4. SB Global Infosoft says:

    check keywords tools and if you use long tail keywords then its compitition is high and local search is around 1000/month . serach the keywords like that and put in your website footer.

  5. David says:

    Check the google keyword tool,choose the keyword with high competition and above 3000 exact searches.Than download trafic travis and make some research

  6. Kapil Gupta says:

    Primary ,Secondary and Long tail keywords are those keywords in which the traffic and competition are in descending order ie. Primary have more traffic and competition , Secondary have less and Long tail have lesser. But if we want to boost the primary keyword then we will have to work on various long tail keywords. It will help us in increasing the rank of Secondary and Primary keywords. When as many keywords are floating definitely the ranking of the primary keyword increases.


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