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What’s Your Stance On Gun Control?

State the party you affiliate yourself with as well, please…
I’m just curious if the left and right are really that divided when it comes to gun control. That is, neither side wants a full ban on guns, rather more strict regulations when purchasing firearms and banning things like hi-cap magazines.
This is just an inquiry, I may be wrong in my assumption.

No Responses to “What’s Your Stance On Gun Control?”

  1. Newell says:

    MY .44 MAGNUM…
    MY .38 SPECIALS…

  2. Mar says:

    Next all US Citizens must be handcuffed in their homes to prevent mass shootings.
    EDIT: Newell has sexy guns.

  3. Apathy Kat® says:

    Linear but specific bans that are impact-ful enough to withstand another major catastrophic event such as the latest…

  4. GOD says:

    We should ban ALL guns, and allow only the government to own them. FACT
    We should leave the American people Dependent on a Fascist Police State, as well as Defenseless against a Police State. FACT
    This is what the Founding fathers wanted, for Americans to OBEY their government and NEVER ask questions. FACT
    and if anyone disagrees, they shall be sent to a FEMA Camp. FACT…http://fellowshipofminds.files.wordpress…http://theheartofamerica.files.wordpress……
    Eric Holder- Brainwash people into giving up guns!…
    UN Troops ordered to kill americans who don’t turn in guns…

  5. Joe says:

    Using both hands. New legislation making overthrowing the 2nd Amendment an act of treason or sedition, including saying that it is meant for “the military.”

  6. NOBODY says:

    If this is about the sandy hook shooting, that man tried to purchase a gun and was unable to. I think that is a sign that gun laws are okay. He was mentally disturbed enough to kill his own mother and steal her guns. No law will stop a law breaker. Laws only mean something to the law abiding… and they are not the problem.
    I’m a conservative.

  7. Tunisa says:

    Without the 2nd amendment, the USA turns into another CUBA overnight.
    The liberals are to dumb to understand that.

  8. Havoc says:

    I don’t think weapons are problem. People can kill with a handgun as fast as an assault rifle.
    We should have written tests and practical application classes to own a firearm, like owning a car which kills more than 30,000 people annually.
    I don’t see gun owners complaining because if they are qualified, they should pass with no problem.
    And people who argue for banning weapon are just purely retarded.

  9. marcus says:

    We need our guns and all of them (i.e. assault weapon) to protect ourselves from an oppressive government which could be foreign or domestic. What happens if China destroys our military and then want to occupy the US? We need guns to defend against this. What happens if our government decides to round up black or jews? We need guns to defend against this.
    Maybe we should focus more on gun safety rather than sex ed in schools.

  10. Bopped says:

    With a lot of practice at the range, gun control always improves!

  11. katie says:

    Sorry, this is kinda long. I am a firm believer in the fact that guns don’t kill people, people kill people. It’s the same train of thought as our large friend. He thought, “oh, this fork made me gain weight so we should get rid of all the forks! Then the problem will magically go away!”
    It’s like prohibition. Just because alcohol was banned, didn’t mean that there was no more alcohol. It’s the same. Guns will always be around, strict control or not.
    What it comes down to is choice. Our large friend from before ate something fatty with his fork, and he just assumed it was the forks fault. Now, if you replace the fork with the gun, and he shot someone, is it the gun that is the problem? No, it’s obviously the person. It is a matter of choice. He was the one who chose to pull the trigger. My whole family is pro gun with legally obtained concealed carry
    Permits, but we aren’t killers. Is it still bad that we have guns in our possession for protection? Honestly. This is the only thing that makes sense to me.

  12. Ben says:

    There are people on the street trying to kill eachother, taking away automatic large round magazines is no answer to violence nor banning automatic guns, its preposterous. It’d be like trying to ban all moterized vehicles, because they cause deaths.
    As in gang violence, gangs dont usually target civillians they target eachother, let them kill eachother.
    There are those few people that actually use there guns to protect there fammilys, others that are causeing harm they subdue.
    What if society collapses, we need big guns, or if gangs are shooting at people and they have fully autos, a civillian should be able to bust his automatic out and shoot at the problem starters.
    stop crazy people from rampages.
    Like a pop up, dont be afraid to shoot its just a click away.

  13. A :) says:

    simply, control the “illegal” obtaining of weapons.
    im for state and city ID & the course & training.
    & legal buying and selling.
    some laws are rediculous.
    im against people wanting to take that right away, im against people who are mentally incompotent to own guns, such as mr psycho who murdered in conneticut.
    in a nutshell…

  14. PeekaBoo says:

    Take the guns out of the hands of the criminals. Get rid of the debauched low morals society that the secular left has created “If it feels good do it” and put back respect of your neighbor and respect of you neighbors property back into the equation. Don’t let a few atheists control laws that the majority are against. You might not believe in God but the Ten Commandments are a good example of how to lead one’s life. In the 50’s 60’s when I went to school I never even heard of a kid bringing a gun into school let alone shoot some one. I never even heard of marijuana back then either. I guess we were nerdy compared to today’s society.

  15. John J. S says:

    Like driving a car, I think you should have to go to the depart mint of firearms and apply for a license, pay your tax and have to take a course in gun safety, come back with proof of purchase of a decent gun safe or equivalent secure storage and demonstrate your ability on a police fire range that you can handle a weapon without killing yourself or another innocent person. Fingerprints for high security FBI background check and mental evaluation.
    Buy whatever gun, caliber, style, clip capacity, whatever you want once you have your license. You don’t want guns you don’t have to buy the license, but you do know there was a federal background check done. Still no protection from those bent on mayhem, but reasonable law easily enforced. No nicense, no buy guns. Maybe severe penalties for licensed dealers selling to unlicensed buyers
    Oh, yeah, gun toting Liberal

  16. NaturalB says:

    I am and will continue to express violent opposition to any form of gun control whatsoever.

  17. Zachery says:

    no gun laws. the founders made the second amendment to be a last resort defense against tyranny its not hunting/sports its protection of liberty. we the citizens need to be just as armed as the military to have a fighting chance against the tyranny. just look at china/USSR/germany when people say only police and military have guns


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