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Why Are People Opposing Gun Control? Is There Anything Unreasonable About It That I’m Missing?

This is a list of things that Mayors Against Illegal Guns wants, according to their newsletter:
– Require a criminal background check for every gun sold in America.
– Ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines that enable mass killing.
– Make gun trafficking a federal crime, with stiff penalties for those who arm criminals.
In all honesty, I don’t see anything wrong with any of these things. I think background checks are something that should be considered basic, and I see no legitimate reason for anyone to have a high-capacity magazine or fully-automatic firing mechanisms, unless you REALLY can’t aim. Gun trafficking is something that I haven’t seen mentioned much, and it seems logical to go after the real problems. Though what I’m seeing here is people making it out to be the end of gun ownership for civilians. I really want to know the opposite point of view – please use specific arguments for why you think these things are unreasonable, not generalizations. That means telling me why you don’t want background checks, or why you need an assault weapon/fully-automatic weapon/high-capacity magazine. I know that the NRA refers to assault rifles as “modern sporting equipment”, which is why I have adopted a liberal stance on this issue. There’s nothing sporting about 800 rounds per minute. But my opinion doesn’t matter in this case, I want to hear yours.

No Responses to “Why Are People Opposing Gun Control? Is There Anything Unreasonable About It That I’m Missing?”

  1. Heavy_Ca says:

    1 and 3 aren’t going to cause many problems.
    #2 is subjective. Legalistically politicians have not been good at correctly identifying assault weapons.
    The high capacity magazines restriction had an unintended consequence last time: manufacturers were no longer tied to large magazines, so they could make guns smaller. Suddenly sub compact pocket pistols are a market niche. I’m betting that isn’t what legislators had in mind.
    Personally, I have big hands and a prefer a handgun with a little larger grip — historically this space has been used to store ammo.
    Full auto isn’t really on the table since 1934.
    800rpm is pretty quick. Most people aren’t going to achieve anything close to that with a semi automatic firearm — that is more than10 trigger pulls per second.
    I admit though, I almost wish that restriction was lifted in a way. Automatic fire is notoriously inaccurate and as you point out you go through ammo very quickly. I wouldn’t like for these lunatics to burn through their ammo without hitting anyone. It is not really an experiment I want to conduct though, to see if mass murderers have good fire discipline or not.

  2. Near says:

    Because it’s already in place, and more gun control has a history of raising crime because victims can no longer protect themselves. In the worst cases, it also has a history of being used by dictators as a means of disarming the population, resulting in the deaths of millions as exemplified by Mao Tse Tung, Joseph Stalin, and Adolf Hitler. Another apparent reason is because the 2nd amendment is in place to retaliate against dictatorship should one ever take hold of the US.
    As for “- Make gun trafficking a federal crime, with stiff penalties for those who arm criminals.” Criminals are defined by the tendency to break laws. Much like how Prohibition failed to stop the sale of alcohol, and the War on Drugs failed to stop the sale of drug, both cases causing crimes to flourish, a ban on guns means nothing to criminals.

  3. Ann says:

    There is nothing unreasonable about gun control. Gun advocates have this crazy idea that the minute the government places some limits on certain types of guns they will be killed walking out of their house.
    It is very annoying how all gun owners say they are all responsible and most mass murders are committed with legally obtained guns. It would make sense to limit the types of guns available, like those with high caliber magazines. So, those legal gun owners can keep these guns out of the hands of their relatives.
    I was called a ***** the other day by a gun advocate. All because I mentioned that the gun community should do a better job of monitoring those that come in contact with. Those of us without guns do not come across those who do. If one of their own is doing something questionable, like having tons of guns in their house when a crazy person lives there, they need to bring this to the attention of the authorities.
    God forbid we try an open up a dialogue about how we can move forward in this situation. It is impossible to penetrate the thick wall all gun owners have around them. They refuse to acknowledge that we are all citizens and their rights to own certain types of guns are no more important than my right to feel safe. They have can have their guns but, we also deserve to have our voices heard. And if they don’t like it, too bad. I don’t like it that my child’s school has a flag flying at half-staff. I don’t like it that I am nervous at the school just volunteering. I don’t like it that my family is being forced to discuss escape routes out of school with our 2nd grader.
    Also, why do they always bring up the argument about target shooting? If all they are doing is shooting at targets, why do they need high caliber magazines?

  4. George says:

    As long as we have psychotic, antisocial mass murderers running around loose, we need guns to protect ourselves and our families against the psychotic, antisocial people who would kill us or cause us severe harm.
    Fifty years ago we identified the psychotic and antisocial people as children and locked them up in secure mental facilities for the rest of their lives before they could do any real harm to anyone.
    Today, we mainstream all of the psychotics and antisocial people. If we do not have the right to carry guns we have no way to protect ourselves when we are confronted by one of these psychotic, antisocial individuals.
    The fact that we do not lock up psychotic and antisocial people today is the primary reason why we
    have the mass murders today that we did not have 50 years ago.
    Also 50 years ago we had far more people carrying guns than we do today. When one of these psychotic, antisocial individuals managed to evade our mental health system there were far more people with guns to stop one of these individuals than we have today.
    With respect to federal gun laws against arming criminals, we have many of those laws today, however it is so profitable to sell guns at huge profits to criminals that there are always a number of people who will do just that. Selling guns to criminals is actually more profitable than drug running.
    Recently a container load of AK47 machine guns was intercepted as it was being smuggled into The United States of America. The container had over 4000 AK47 machine guns inside. The smuggler had paid several Chinese soldiers $50,000 to let this smuggler take those 4000 AK47 machine guns from a Chinese arms depot.
    On the streets, criminals will pay over $1,000 each for an AK47 machine gun. That container load of AK47 machine guns had a street Value of over $4million dollars. The cost to the smuggler was $50,000 plus the shipping costs to get the container to The United States of America. That is a lot of money for a container load of chinese machine guns. There are many poverty stricken Chinese soldiers who would love to get $50,000 in bribe money to help a gun smuggler steal 4000 machine guns. In China $50,000 is a staggering fortune. The Chinese military is loaded with corruption.
    When you consider the money that there is to be made in gun smuggling and the corruption and bribery around the world, there is more than ample opportunity for gun smugglers to get cheap guns and smuggle them into The United States. the more that you ban guns, the more that you increase the street price of guns and increase the profits of the gun smugglers.
    The latest place for gun smuggling is Egypt. For $20,000 you can pay the bribes necessary to get a container load of AK47 machine guns out of Egypt.
    If you are really adventurous you can get and smuggle a container load of AK47 machine guns out of Yemen for even less than that.
    That container load of AK47 machine guns is worth over $4 million dollars to the Criminals on the streets of The United States of America.
    Banning guns may make you feel good but it will not solve the problem of Criminals with guns.
    All gun bans accomplish is to make it difficult, if not impossible for moral, upright, law abiding American citizens to protect themselves, their families and others from Criminals with guns.

  5. Pluto C. Rat says:

    There’s nothing unreasonable about it at all. However, it is not the root problem in the US, and won’t help. There are no cures for some illnesses.
    In the competitive society (which doesn’t work), you can only vortex violence by injecting yet further fascistic law.
    The human spirit is not a competitive one, but a team oriented one. US richclass leadership has you believing in – and performing – competition (to their sole benefit in slave practice). Since a society of individual competition doesn’t work, US richclass legal industrial complex injects fascism to “force it” to “work.”
    Add more laws, more fascism. It won’t work (see above paragraph).
    In your competitive society, be prepared for competition — which cannot but include violent competition.
    Choose not to teach teamwork to your children and society — instead argue and fight day upon day. You get what you give. Take it.
    vor•tex/ˈvɔr tɛks/ Show Spelled [vawr-teks] Show IPA
    noun, plural vor•tex•es, vor•ti•ces /-təˌsiz/ Show Spelled [-tuh-seez] Show IPA .
    4. a state of affairs likened to a whirlpool for violent activity, irresistible force, etc.

  6. Needful Sinner says:

    I’m Canadian, we have gun control – while I don’t pressume to tell the USA what they should or shouldn’t do [respectfully none of my business, all I can do is sympathize] I would like to illustrate a few points for the sake of your question.
    As stated, Canada has gun control. It may interest people in the USA to note the same weapon used in the Colorado theatre shootings is available for sale in Canada.
    Contrary to the USA, quick-change magazines that hold up to 100 rounds are banned, Canada imposing a limit of 20.
    Canada has extremely strict storage and transporting regulations that not all States can match.
    Those are about the only differences between the Canadian gun laws and USA gun laws… barring the fact in Canada gun possession is a right that must be earned and proven, as opposed to a Constitutional right that is difficult to be denied.
    Now if you cut through the haze, fact is regardless of rules, any Canadian could grab some semi-auto be it rifle of pistol and blast away, a limit of 20 round magazines hardly matters considering they can be exchanged in seconds.
    So could anyone in the USA with gun laws banning whatever.
    As much has to do with society and cultures, as difficult a pill as that may be to swallow. In the USA guns are so prominent in society, they are an extension of it… 95% respect that – 5% don’t and that is the math that proves ellusive.
    As for me, I’ve no idea why anyone actually needs anything other than a bolt action to go hunting and if necessary a pistol for home or self protection… and even then it’s to protect you from other people with guns. Yes?
    Now if you want rapid fire… all the power to you; but yes of course that right will bit you on the butt sometimes, and if the collateral damage is acceptable to the USA then it’s a fair trade off.
    I disagree, but fact is as stated it’s none of my concern – I just don’t like watching it particularly then seeing the only end result being an increase in gun sales and Texas teachers wearing concealed weapons as a solution. Seems rather odd… but what do I know.
    I do hope the best for the USA in the future, being friends and neighbors I don’t like seeing you hurt, even if it’s you doing it to yourselves. 🙂

  7. Texas girl says:

    “- Ban assault weapons”
    You do know the difference between an “assault weapon” and a semi-automatic weapon is only cosmetic? Why do you think banning cosmetic features will save lives?
    ” telescopic stock” – cosmetic
    “a pistol grip” – cosmetic
    “a bayonet mount” Cosmetic until a bayonet is attached.
    ” flash suppressor or threaded barrel”- well, I’m half-half on that one.

  8. Nuclears says:

    Assault weapons are already banned………….. People are using SEMI AUTO weapons people. MY GOD LET ME KNOW WHEN IT SINKS IN.
    How will we make gun trafficking a crime, when our government just GAVE 2000+ assault rifles to Mexican drug cartels? They killed a border agent with them.
    We already do backround checks on purchased guns (with exception to gun shows but that needs to change)
    My gun is an AR15 and it doesnt shoot 800 rounds per minute because ITS NOT FULL AUTO.

  9. jaker says:

    First, some things are very impractical. Do you expect me to get a background check on my neighbor before I sell him a shotgun or any other gun? How would that work?
    Second, there are lots of laws already on the books that are not being enforced. If making more laws would prevent something why do we have problems with drugs and illegal immigration?

  10. edrogers says:

    I perceive you aren’t familiar with firearms or the folks that own/carry them. In 1979, my mother was brutally assaulted, severely injured and robbed. This sweet woman went out and purchased a .38. She still had it when she died.
    I recommend you visit a gun store that allows you to “try before you buy”. Try a hand gun and a sporting rifle (Assault weapon). At least you’ll have a start at learning exactly what you’re speaking about. Talk with some of the people in the store, shopping. Good luck!

  11. Thomas says:

    1 and 3 are fine. You’ll find opposition from #2. There is nothing saying what kind of guns Americans can own.
    And honestly, even if there was, it’s not going to prevent any mass shooting. Psychos will find guns, legal or not.

  12. Dan says:

    Laws keep honest people honest. Ban whatever you want, you just decrease the law abiding citizens with guns. Militias are what created the US, be careful what you let the government control.

  13. David says:

    1 and 3 are fine, but you have to deal with private sales of guns for number 1.
    as to #2, it will be a fight. And tons are buying those guns right now.

  14. Charles Veidt says:

    The problem is that too many people confuse “gun control” with “gun ban,” when there is no logical reason to do so.


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