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Republicans, Why Do You Vote Against Your Own Economic Interests?

Many of you on here whom identify as republicans are presumably of low to middle income. For almost 30 years, the Republican party has favored a very small niche in this country, the rich. Why do you continue to vote for Republican candidates? Is it because you think that by doing so, you too will some day have the opportunity to become rich? The irony is that most of you won’t because of the very policies that have been enacted by Republican legislatures for the past 30 years. Your party is no longer your father’s party it used to be. When will you come to this realization?
Don’t believe me, just look up Republican policies before 1980 before Milton Friedman and Reaganomics. Going by your party’s logic today, you’d swear the Republicans of old were socialists.

No Responses to “Republicans, Why Do You Vote Against Your Own Economic Interests?”

  1. Yousif R says:

    IT’s a battle between big government and big corporations… each has its little pawns (the people) – and they are moved around and pitted against one another in this chess game…
    Either way, you lose…
    Personally though – I’d rather have big government than big corporations… one is profit motivated – and the other is power motivated… and I think power is more intelligent than profit… I think more stupid self-destructive decisions are made in the name of profit. Although, I suppose the same can be said for power.

  2. J Balls says:

    The Republican party’s stance on more issues than just economics probably suits them and their lifestyle better.

  3. alucard8 says:

    A good friend of mine is on food stamps and disability, yet he swears he hates socialism and is a very loud conservative. When I ask the question you posed he never really gives me a real answer, so don’t expect one here either.

  4. Amy says:

    That question is too logical and reasonable. If republicans were capable of using logic and reason, they wouldn’t be republicans.

  5. Christopher Jorden says:

    You’re correct, I’m not rich and never will be.
    In fact, I live off a tiny SS retirement check.
    But by retiring some years ago I got free time to read and study.
    The most instructive book I’ve read to date is Thomas Sowell’s
    I’ve learned that market-capitalism is NOT a zero=sum game.
    But an economic system that expands the economic pie for everyone.
    YOU think the “rich” are taking from me.(from my piece of the pie)
    But I know that when the “rich” are successful the whole pie grows
    and my part gets bigger too.
    Finally, my friend, no economic system has been as successful in
    producing the greatest wealth for the greatest number.
    You and your kind have eternity to recreate a “workers’ paradise” like
    the Soviet Union…but you’ll go down in flames every time

  6. ? says:

    Because Republicans are the only ones that even pay lip-service to downsizing government regulation and curbing government spending. Taking away the fact that I believe a man is entitled to the money he earns, Democrats don’t have any plan for controlling spending, except to cut the military, (which is one of the few legitimate functions of government) and levy more taxes. Do you think so many people would be unemployed or on food stamps if the government would stop trying to regulate the economy, roll back corporate taxes, give tax incentives to domestic manufacturing, and stop making employment so expensive in this country? How about removing or at least lowering taxes on repatrioting money, making it more attractive to spend on infrastructure in America?

  7. Mac says:

    Nobody will become rich if OBAMA keeps up this crap! …..
    Obama (thru the IRS) paid out over 6 Billion – Yes – BILLION in tax refunds to
    Illegal Aliens in 2011 !! –
    The reason they didn’t stop or investigate it was given as:
    “We just don’t have the manpower to investigate this” —– B.S. ! –
    Tax clerks found SEVERAL soc sec # forged, fake addresses used, several “fake children” ,
    etc etc and were told – NOT TO INVESTIGATE !!
    How about it LIBS? – Check MY SOURCE & get back to me with a Logical answer!

  8. dcarpent says:

    I live in Illinois and my economic status hasn’t improved. So why vote for the status that hasn’t helped myself nor my community? So I believe a change is needed.

  9. Rikard says:

    If the minimum wage was $20 per hour, or even $15 per hour, then there would be a lot fewer people collecting welfare or using food stamps. With people having more money to spend the businesses would make more money with increased sales, and the government would be collecting more in sales taxes and income taxes to pay off their deficits, but the dim-witted conservatives seem unable to see how beneficial measures such as this will not only help those being paid the least, but also help them to have a higher living standard.

  10. Charlie says:

    “Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” -John Steinbeck

  11. dollface says:

    economic interests aren’t the be all and end all. some vote republican over social issues such as gun rights, anti-abortion, etc.

  12. Rol says:

    Somebody’s opinion that it has been that way for 30 years doesn’t make it a fact. As a former republican in my opinion it has been the last 16 years that the Republican party has become what the left spent the last 30 years calling them. I very much expect the Republican party to split soon because those controlling the party are exactly as you described which is not what true conservatives want. In a way you answered your own question though. Conservatives don’t want someone to take care of them. They don’t want a big brother nanny state that tells them to wear seat belts or how large a soda they are allowed to buy. I read a German professor who had lived and taught in the states for years comparing the difference between the German and American peoples. On Freedom he said Americans “conservatives” feel that freedom means the freedom to fail and a German abhors that idea. They want to know they are protected. American liberals are like the Germans. They want everyone to be protected no matter the cost. The 2 Aussie DJs and the nurse are an example, Reading comments on the story you could spot the libs from the conservatives right off. For the most part libs blamed the DJs and wanted a law passed so it could not happen again. Conservatives thought they were idiots but understood bad things happen and you can’t pass a law to protect everyone. I voted against Romney because he is the big corporation protect the rich you talk about. I voted against Obama because he represents the far left socialism I despise. If I only had the 2 choices I would have voted Romney because I hate his protect the wealthy a little less than I hate Obamas big government socialism.

  13. whatever says:

    Because some people still beleive it’s not right to take things that are not theirs, not right to kill unborn babies, not right to let killers live, not right to give child molesters a 2nd or 3rd chance, to have the right to work anywhere they want, for as much as they want without paying some union only to have that money go to a politician they don,t care for, and still believe that a person that works on a line turning lug nuts, a job a monkey could do, should make no more than the girl watering the flowers at Home Depot.

  14. My Clone Did it Not me says:

    Because of infinite QE3. How does that help America?


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