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Some Seo Internet Marketing Questions…?

Hello All.
Hope some of you will be able to give me some straight answers for these questions. I’ve done my own little ‘crash course’ into SEO and Internet Marketing this week. I’m confident (ish) on most areas, but have stumbled on some questions which I need to clarify. (Sorry if some of these sound stupid) but here goes :
1.) Do Follow and No Follow Links. I know how to see if a website is ‘Do follow’ or ‘No follow’ but when gaining backlinks, do I always have to type in either the ‘do follow’ or ‘no follow’ code? I know I should do this for commenting and my own blog, and for other blog comments, but what about article directories, guest blogging, directories etc?
2.) I understand that in theory, posting on ‘do follow’ Auto approved blogs isn’t good because it will probably be hit by scam. However, it I wrote some quality comments related to the niche and added a backlink to my own blog instead of my main page, would this be ok?
3.) How do I make my own personal blog, non- auto approved and no follow? Is it by installing the plugin Akismet?
4.) I’m currently having a website built, and I’m currently looking at Plugin’s for my WordPress blog. . My web designer hasn’t mentioned if he is going to install any Social Media plugin’s.for my blog. However on the blog page, he has included most of the social media links at the top. Do I still need to install a social media plugin, or can it be done manually without a special plugin(I’m abit worried as my designer doesn’t seem to know much about these plugin’s but has added these links for me anyway??
I appreciate your thoughts and comments.

No Responses to “Some Seo Internet Marketing Questions…?”

  1. Hamza says:

    Don’t worry about do follow and no follow, what you want is traffic coming to your website so if the website you are commenting on looks like it could attract the right traffic then add a comment with your link, if your going to add a comment for the sake of gaining a link dont bother it’s probably a spam associated blog that no-one reads and link building softwares will attack (auto approved blogs) thus you will not get any traffic from there and be linked with a bad neighbourhood.
    Try not to look at it from a ‘no follow or do follow’ point of view instead think ‘will this bring any traffic to my website’ ‘does this blog look like anyone actually read’s it and if so what kind of comment could I leave to get those people to come onto my website’.
    Hope I helped clear up points 1 and 2 and if anyone else can add to it or correct me please do.

  2. Jake says:

    A general SEO rule, the easier a link is to get, the less value it will tend to have, those auto approve blogs get over-run by spam bots, so tour comment ends up sharing link juice with perhaps 500 other links. Spam is probably as big an issue as the fact that the seo benifit is devided amoung the links, diluting it on pages with lots of coments.
    WordPress by default gives noFollow comment links, choosing the moderate setting makes comments on your site not auto approve, Akismet is one of the better spam filters that reduces the number of posts you must review.
    I would use social media plugins for just a couple of sites, dozens of badges tends to get less bookmarks.
    I don’t understand where you would: “type in either the ‘do follow’ or ‘no follow’ code”
    While noFollow provide limited ranking benifit, you need a fair percentage of them in order to avoid an unnatural link pattern, some say noFollow still helps the site authority a bit.
    Here’s a backlink searching tool that helps create search queries that get the most useful results.


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