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Which Animal Has The Hardest Life?

Hopefully in your animal science class, you learned that every animal has it’s own niche, or job in the animal kingdom. They make discovery channel shows about how hard their niche/life is. Out of all the existing ones, which one do you think has it the hardest. In my opinion, would probably be the ant.
Here’s why:
Everyone trying to kill it(Even other ants).
It has to lift things more than ten times it’s size.
It spends it’s entire life traveling one block.
It’s trying to dig it’s home, but it’s soon destroyed by 5-year old kids.
They have to gather food for the leader ant and not themselves.
We’re about a million times bigger than it.
Now that you know my opinion, what’s yours. Don’t say people’s life is the hardest because our life is easy compared to most animals.

No Responses to “Which Animal Has The Hardest Life?”

  1. Inverted says:

    most are well adapted to their environment all the weak ones died off. but I suppose it would suck to be a Zebra

  2. Bananani says:

    Before reading you description i was going to say the ant ,fly .
    The fly because everyone tries to kill them when they are around them and some find them irritating , they are often zapped by a fly killer or spray and want food to survive but when they are close to food sometimes they die as the person tries to kill it before it lands on the food .
    And there are others too but these i thought of first :)x
    BY THE WAY you already kinda said about the ant so i wont talk about it !

  3. Ami says:

    So many dipresson, physical mental so many problems love then heart broken suicide.
    i mean do insects or animal do suicide like human propably ur answer is human

  4. Dakota17 says:

    Tasmanian devils..The female gives birth to 20-30 pups, yet only has 4 nipples to feed with.60% of the pups do not survive to adulthood.
    They are also endangered.
    Cancer in general is a common cause of death in devils. In 2008, high levels of potentially carcinogenic flame retardant chemicals were found in Tasmanian devils.


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