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Does My Chart Indicate A Bad Temper?

Just wondering…:) I do hold a grudge and I become very indifferent to people who hurt me or piss me off.…

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  1. Amethyst says:

    Yes I do believe that you have several aspects that cause this issue of a bad temper.
    First you have Moon (emotions) conjunct Uranus (abrupt change) so this would indicate one that is subject to emotionally quick changes. Both your Moon and Uranus are at 19 degrees so this is one strong conjunction in your chart. Quick mood changes with an impersonal indifference to those that hurt you is a self-protective mechanism.
    The Moon conjunct Uranus is even more “flammable” with the other hard aspects to your Mercury, Mars, and your Moon/Uranus conjunction. These planets are in the formation of a T-Square which is a big life lesson for you to work on in this lifetime.
    Your T-Square’s “apex” is Mercury in Cancer. Just look at your chart and you will see a red triangle that includes your Mercury, Mars, and Moon/Uranus conjunction.
    Since Mercury is the apex this is where you will find it easiest to overcome this T-Square as it is a rather difficult formation. I have one too. So I think the life lesson is to watch your words (mercury=communication) do your best to not get angry (mars=how we fight) and especially try to “remove yourself” when you feel you are becoming emotionally (moon) changeable (uranus=abrupt change).
    Not an easy T-square but really none of them are. Just a life lesson to help you evolve into a better person. It’s difficult to control our emotions as they most often control us. That is why I suggested to “remove yourself from the room” when you feel that quick mood change toward angry emotions. By doing so you won’t make any new negative karma and it is a baby step I know, but a baby step in the right direction.
    The opposition in your T-Square is from your strongly placed Mars (4th House which is Angular House along with 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th House).An Angular House carries more “punch” than the other houses.
    And check out your Mercury. 7th House. Another Angular House. Very strong energies in your T-Square. So this is a major life lesson in order for you to evolve into a better person.
    You also have a Talent Triangle which you can see with Neptune at the apex, both sextiling Jupiter and Pluto and then Pluto and Jupiter are in a trine aspect. This is in the 10th House of Profession, Honors, and How the public sees you. So I imagine that some type of career that has to do with creativity (neptune) would be perfect for you. If you don’t have an artistic outlet I strongly suggest you choose an instrument to learn, drama, theatre, music, actually any of the arts would be good for you. PLUS it would give you a healthy outlet to go to when you feel a bad temper coming on. Painting too would be a great choice. I believe your Talent Triangle exists in your chart because you have done something very artistic in a previous lifetime. I would explore the arts and find your niche as the Talent Triangle is just waiting for an outlet.
    Hope this is helpful to you and good luck and bless you too. I wish you well.
    Oh wanted to add that since you are a Leo Sun it is very common for Leo to become “indifferent” to anyone that hurts or humiliates them. And if you look you can see the opposition from your Sun to Jupiter which means it is really easy for you to become indifferent to another that has hurt or humiliated you. The opposition is a relationship aspect so it is important to learn that you won’t (nor should you) always get your way with others as Jupiter=Abundance. So you COULD get your way with others but the opposition (being a relationship aspect) means you must learn to compromise and cooperate with others.
    I think that’s it and hope this is helpful to you. Good luck and bless you too. I wish you well.

  2. GibBas says:

    Your Moon and Uranus are in conjunction which makes you moody, to say the least, and your reactions to anything sensitive to you can be erratic. Mars is in opposiiton to this which can make it hard for you to act on your feelings and prone to irritability. All this is square to your Mercury in Cancer which is a very emotional placement; you live in the past coloured by emotional memories. It’s hard for you to be objective, can be irrational and jump to conclusions too often.

  3. Norman says:

    You kidding? CANCER Mercury with LEO Sun is a receipe for bad moods and explosive anger….
    Plus Virgo venus you’re picky and anti-romantic in love, too scientific….and Aries Mars…anybody got some tnt? Keep it, this guy’s dynamite 🙂


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