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Biology Help. Speciation?

1)Sometimes, many related species evolve from a single species in a relatively short period of time. This often happens as the ancestral species has the opportunity to adapt to new environmental niches. Which of the following terms is NOT relevant to this process?
A)adaptive radiation
C)divergent evolution
D)All of the terms are relevant.
2)Geographically isolated populations become separate species when
A) they have been separated for ten or more generations.
B)their markings become distinct.
C)they are no longer able to interbreed.
D)their skeletal structures become distinct.
3)According to the biological species concept, the termspecies has been defined as a group of organisms that canbreed with one another in a wild, free-ranging condition to producefertile offspring. For which of the following would this concept bemost difficult to apply?
D)B and C
4)Speciation is the process by which new species arise. Speciation does not result from which of the following?
A)geographic isolation
B)reproductive isolation
C)genetic divergence
D)species interbreeding
5)Allopatric speciation is a form of speciation that occurs when populations become geographically isolated from one another. Geographic isolation may occur when
A)continents drift apart.
B)a mountain range separates formerly connected populations.
C)the range of a species is limited by loss of suitable habitat.
D)all of the above
6)Which of the following is an example of adaptive radiation?
A)the 13 different species of finches Darwin found on the Galapagos islands
B)the new species of rhea that was found on the opposite side of the river from the older species of rhea
C)the fact that dogs and coyotes can interbreed to produce fertile offspring
D)the observation that small populations have a greater opportunity for genetic changes
7) Under which of the following conditions does adaptive radiation occur?
A)A population invades an island that contains a number of unexploited niches and variation in environmental conditions.
B)Members of a population are isolated from other members of the population, either by geographic isolation or reproductive isolation.
C)A geographical barrier is removed between two populations that were originally one population.
D)A hybrid of two populations breeds successfully with a member of one of the parent populations.

No Responses to “Biology Help. Speciation?”

  1. hcbioche says:

    1. D)All of the terms are relevant.
    2. C)they are no longer able to interbreed.
    3. C)sponges
    4. D)species interbreeding
    5. D)all of the above
    6. A)the 13 different species of finches Darwin found on the Galapagos islands
    7. A)A population invades an island that contains a number of unexploited niches and variation in environmental conditions.

  2. Potto says:

    1. D 2. C
    3. C 4. D
    5. D 6. B
    7. A.

  3. Cirbryn says:

    1. D
    2. C
    3. B (The problem with applying the BSC, as defined in the question, to plants is that commonly recognized species of splants do often hybridize in the wild to produce fertile offspring. This doesn’t happen often enough to cause the two parent species to fuse, however.)
    4. D (This isn’t strictly true. Hybrid speciation – the process of a new species arising due to the hybridization of members of two parent species – is well known, particularly in plants.)
    5. D
    6. A
    7. A


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