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Why Did Mitt Romney Lie About When He Quit Bain Capital?

Romney had invested $10 million as of 2011.
All of them are affiliated with Bain Capital,

No Responses to “Why Did Mitt Romney Lie About When He Quit Bain Capital?”

  1. crash.ov says:

    He didn’t lie. Glad I could clear that up

  2. Joanna says:

    Cos thats what Reb do..they lie

  3. Unknown says:

    I own stock in Boeing but that doesnt mean I work there.
    You arent real bright are you?

  4. Roland Pike III says: Idiot.

  5. Vengeful Buddha says:

    Coming from the site that is headquartered in the cayman islands.…

  6. R T says:

    Why is Obama lying about running guns to drug dealers.? People died in that deal. Nobody has died from Bain.

  7. Mr. Wolf says:

    Romney lying doesn’t matter to the “I hate Obama” voters but it does matter to independent voters.

  8. Maxwell says:

    investing in and being an employee of are not the same thing.

  9. Mark G says:

    Its only a lie if you can’t bend the truth. The fact is I can work at a company as an executive for years and then quit but continue to invest in that company, and if I invest enough I still have a say in how the company runs without being a part of the company. Its the same way he wasn’t in charge of Bain when they sent all those jobs overseas.

  10. Pragmatism Please says:

    Technically, he didn’t lie. He stopped going into the office daily during the Olympics. He didn’t exactly tell the truth though, did he. He still owned 100% of the stock in Bain Capitial and I will never believe he had nothing to do with major company decisions. That would simply be idiotic and he’s not an idiotic businessman.

  11. Liberals says:

    Consider this a much needed lesson.…
    Your argument.
    Keep looking until you get the difference.

  12. Shovel Ready says:

    You question makes you look like you have no idea what actually happened.

  13. Bekindto says:

    He took a leave of absence when he decided to go to Utah to take over the Olympics. Being CEO and having investments in a company are two different levels of involvement. I would imagine part of his package for leaving included stock options. People don’t just get rid of that when they leave a company. Also it is legal to have accounts in other countries. When that changes, I’m sure they won’t be used by citizens anymore. I would guess if you had large legitimate deductions, you would use them or you would be considered pretty stupid.
    We live in a global economy. China has large investments in the US. The US has large investments in Brazil. Its the world we live in now.

  14. Erin says:

    0bama LIED about investments he made:
    February 11, 2009 5:14 PM
    Obama’s Investments Scrutinized
    Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said Wednesday he was not aware he had invested in two companies backed by some of his top donors and said he had done nothing to aid their business with the government.
    The Illinois senator faced questions about more than $50,000 in investments he made right after taking office in 2005 in two speculative companies, AVI Biopharma and Skyterra Communications. Obama said his broker bought the stocks as part of a quasi-blind trust in which he was not consulted when trades were made.
    “At no point did I know what stocks were held, and at no point did I direct how those stocks were invested,” Obama told reporters at the end of a press conference called to tout an unrelated immigration bill. He said he would provide the paperwork relating to the trust.
    “What I wanted to make sure is that I didn’t want to invest in companies that potentially would create conflicts with my work here,” said Obama, who has campaigned on the need for stronger congressional ethics rules. “Obviously, the thing didn’t work the way I wanted it to.”
    Obama purchased $5,000 in shares for AVI, which was developing a drug to treat avian flu. Two weeks after buying the stock, as the disease was spreading in Asia, Obama pushed for more federal funding to fight the disease, but he said he did not discuss the matter with any company officials.
    Obama also had more than $50,000 in shares of Skyterra, a company that had just received federal permission to create a nationwide wireless network that combined satellite and land-based communications systems.
    Among the company’s top investors were donors who raised more than $150,000 for Obama’s political committees, The New York Times reported Wednesday. The stock holdings were first examined Monday by the financial Web site,


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