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Why Do All Scientists Embark On A Conspiracy To Destroy The Free Market In Us&a?

Fortunately Americans are smart enough to realize this is just a plot to take over their country!
Two people could not keep a BJ in the most secured building in the world secret. It won´t belong till documents of the secret meetings establishing the plot emerge.

No Responses to “Why Do All Scientists Embark On A Conspiracy To Destroy The Free Market In Us&a?”

  1. Baccheus says:

    Its the physics. Physics is a conspiracy to brainwash young people and turn them into communists. Physics was invented by Lenin. I know this because a blonde on FoxNews told me so.

  2. jim z says:

    All scientists don’t and no one claimed they do. I am a scientist and I want to protect the free market so I easily debunked your theory. There are plenty of other scientists that aren’t trying to destroy free markets. There are leftists who are attempting to use science to push their extremely unpopular agenda using cherry picked science and exaggeration. Why anyone would want to destroy the free market is a mystery to me. Why don’t you alarmists ask yourself that question when you look in the mirror.
    Are you still bitter that a former married President got caught having sex with a teenage intern? He actually tried to smear her character but fortunately for her his character was already smeared on her blue dress.
    Alarmists believe that the trillion dollar Obama raided from Treasury warms the economy and saved jobs. Similarly they think CO2 warms the atmosphere. It is all about physics they claim. In their mind, jobs are created by Obama period and the atmosphere and ocean chemistry is goverened by CO2 period and they think they have science on their side. They are clueless how utterly clueless they really are.

  3. help??? says:

    That plot and many others are on-going, and that may just be one, but I’m not as familiar with that one. I know the “rug is being lifted right under the feet of most Americans,” and it’s been going on since 1980, from the data published, more so. They refuse to be privy to that fact,and think THE GOVERNMENT will take care of it, when the government is the most proeffecient case in order which has turned it’s head, and ignored this all ready We the people are the only ones who can stop any of it, and it’s through the voice of the people in electing the proper representatives that things can be changed, but for the better, not what we’ve been seeing in the past 3 1/2 years. That word was used once, seemed to hypnotize lots of students into voting, and *look at our nation now? Really look at it closely, and any citizen would admit, we’re going down the drain slowly day by day! We are no longer “show & tell as a nation”, but follow who leads? “WRONG”!

  4. Sagebrus says:

    Many factions have tried to destroy the US Constitution. Finally they hit upon pseudo-science to accomplish this.
    Quote by Club of Rome: “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill….All these dangers are caused by human intervention….and thus the “real enemy, then, is humanity itself….believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realize world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is “a real one or….one invented for the purpose.”
    They do this by ignorance and fear.
    “It’s easier to dominate a people by exciting their passions than by looking after their interests.” —Gustave Le Bon
    “Fear is the most debilitating of all human emotions. A fearful person will do anything, say anything, accept anything, reject anything, if it makes him feel more secure for his own, his family’s or his country’s security and safety, whether it actually accomplishes it or not….”
    “It works like a charm. A fearful people are the easiest to govern. Their freedom and liberty can be taken away, and they can be convinced to believe that it was done for their own good – to give them security. They can be convinced to give up their liberty – voluntarily.”
    —Gene E. Franchini, retired Chief Justice of the New Mexico Supreme Court
    The Greenie movement knows this and preys on the unwary.
    Quote by Stephen Schneider, Stanford Univ., environmentalist: “That, of course, entails getting loads of media coverage. So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have.”
    Those who fear AGW are being had.

  5. Climate Realist says:

    Let’s see now. Scientists are advocating that we switch away from energy sources which will run out to new energy sources which won’t. From an energy source which is controlled by forces hostile to the U. S. to energy sources made in the U. S.
    Scientists are not out to destroy the U. S. But the denialists certainly could be.

  6. Gringo says:

    Wishful thinking (and terrible spelling).
    But then I guess you’ll take any hacked email, cherry-pick it and interprete the result the way it best fits your ‘conspiracy theory du jour’.

  7. oikoσ says:

    Gee, I guess I’m not enough of a scientist to be privy to this conspiracy. What a lucky thing for the USA that YOU know about it and can let the world know. I am waiting with bated breath for you to present your evidence of all these secret meetings.

  8. serenely, soMEone says:

    The reality — as I see it — involves an almost unlimited potential for renewables. Course… you knew that. Think it’s impossible… unfeasible? Oh, Ye of little faith. It’s so close we can ALL taste it.
    By the way, have you heard these guys? Unbelievable.…

  9. AyBayBay says:

    Free Market? Look at all of our publicly owned business sectors, USA doesn’t have a Free Market.
    And please, if scientists wanted to take over the country, they would have been politicians.

  10. flossie says:

    Manifesto of the Communist Party…

  11. Gas By Fannylight says:

    Given the religious nature of climate denial, it was only a matter of time before we got our own Poes who are indistinguishable from the real thing

  12. Rio says:

    I don’t believe that for a second. However most if not all GW alarmist are…well retarded.

  13. Wayne says:

    I think the free market is trying to destroy the earth

  14. N says:

    because they want to minimize pollution


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