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Does A University Teach You The Subject From Scratch Or Do You Need Prior Knowledge?

hi basically im thinking of applying to uni but i dont really have a niche subject. so if i wanted to do a course because im interested in the subject for e.g, then would i be ok to have no prior knowledge. i am aware there will be students that will know more. any experiences of people going into a course blind and learning what they need to know there.
i hope this made some sort of sense lol

No Responses to “Does A University Teach You The Subject From Scratch Or Do You Need Prior Knowledge?”

  1. DS says:

    Entry level classes are just that, entry level. Any higher level classes where you are expected to have previous knowledge have pre-requisites, aka classes you have to pass to get in to that class.

  2. Dorothy Rose says:

    Well, in general, no, you don’t need to have prior knowledge for most majors (we call the primary area of study a major in the United States). However, if you plan to study Mathematics and you have no knowledge of the basic concepts in Algebra, this might be a very unwise move to make. If you want to study something like Engineering though, than you should be just fine since most students are not going to have any prior knowledge and will start from the very basics and slowly advance.

  3. jpjkykct says:

    If your course requires prior knowledge of a particular subject; they will require prerequisite courses before you are able to sign up for the class. If no prereqs are required, it’s a basic level class that will start from the beginning. I took a 100 level (basic) philosophy course in college because I needed a Humanities credit, and it sounded interesting. Having no prior experience with philosophy, I found it easy to keep up with my studies and the material very easy to understand and follow. My only advice would be to make sure the course you take will apply eventually to a degree program. For example; I studied Business Management. I had to take 2 Humaties courses toward the program, so I was able to apply my philosophy course to my degree program. If your course does not apply to your program, it may be interesting for you to learn the material, but you’ll end up taking unnecessary courses.


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