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Jehovah’s Witnesses: Regarding: The Year 607 B.c.e. As The Beginning Of The “seven Times”?

What authority can you cite supporting that year as the beginning of the fulfillment of that prophecy? I feel that I have good reason to believe that you have the year incorrect. I would like to re-examine the possibilities, but in order to do that I need to know how the year 607 B.C.E. was determined. If you claim a publication, I need to know who the author is and/or other people responsible for that publication, and if you claim an individual or individuals, I need to know what are their professional affiliations, what credentials do they hold and are they affiliated in any manner with the Jehovah’s Witness organization.

No Responses to “Jehovah’s Witnesses: Regarding: The Year 607 B.c.e. As The Beginning Of The “seven Times”?”

  1. skiingst says:

    Hi B Knott,
    AS an EX-JW, I can tell you flat out that they pulled this date out of a hat. Any historian worth their salt knows it was in 587 and not 607. The JW’S were making stuff up to support their own dogma….nothing more! How do I know. I know because the world governments did not fall in 1914, 1915, 1916, 1918, 1925, or 1975 like the WTBTS and the JW’S lead the world to believe. In fact their record is shot full of holes, and the irony is, it was the JW’S that did all the shooting with their false prophesies.

  2. WISE DOME says:

    Each “time” is 360 years X 7 = 2,520 years
    from 607 BCE to 1914 is 2,520 years
    LINK has more info

  3. Tryreaso says:

    I was raised in the JW cult from 6yrs old to about 20yrs old. I realized that their was something terribly
    wrong but being indoctrinated it took a while and much investigation on my part to finally be free. The bible and all other religious books are man made and 607 B.C.E. means nothing, nothing at all. Look to the future not to ancient books to live a free and joyous life. If there is a God, and I’m a skeptical Deist, you will know it without having to give up reason for faith. Any self respecting God will write his own book.

  4. Allan says:

    Lots of luck with this one. I asked once where I could get a copy of the scrolls or documents the JW’s used to make their New World Translation Bible but got no concrete answers.
    One thing I’ve noticed about the JW’s is that when you ask them to explain their beliefs in more details and they find themselves unable to explain they fall back on a classic reply ie “The Bible doesn’t say”
    Let’s take that belief of theirs about Christ taking up his throne in 1914 and throwing Satan out of Heaven at that time. All of that stems from that scripture found in Revelations (Revelations 12:7-9 actually) where it talks about the “War in Heaven”. Now most Christian sects believe that war actually took place before the creation of man and when Lucifer was cast out of Heaven THAT is when he became the Devil or Satan. Easily explained. Now when it comes to the JW’s version of the war in Heaven happening in 1914 I have a couple of questions. First, why was Satan and his angels in Heaven to begin with? In all the 6000 years of human history God didn’t decide to kick Satan out of Heaven until 1914. Why did he wait so long to do that? Why didn’t he do it earlier? But whenever I’ve asked that question to the JW’s all they say to me is “The Bible doesn’t say” or “God does things in his own time”. And as for when did Lucifer become Satan or the Devil, like I said earlier many Christian sects accept the fact that that happened when he was cast out of Heaven but not so the JW’s. So I ask when did Satan become this rebellious soul who is always up to no good (since it obviously didn’t happen in 1914) I once again get that classic response “The Bible doesn’t say”.
    I mean what a convenient way to excuse their ignorance.


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