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Yahoo Community Attention Please! Protest Google!?

Google is a terrible search engine. And there is a ton of other problems with google. I encourage everyone to boycott google! Please get this out to everyone you know and do some research on google and why you should delete all programs affiliated with it. Protest Google! Are you with me?

No Responses to “Yahoo Community Attention Please! Protest Google!?”

  1. matty says:

    LOL “Google is a terrible search engine” OH GOD YOU MAKE ME LAUGH. kind sir please tell me of a better made search engine? NO? because it doesn’t exist.. Sorry mate but no search engine comes close to the technology behind google…

  2. darren m says:

    all right . now how we replace googlee is by well using a calculator a computer calculator and say copying and pasting algorithims into outr own search engine. or if you could ask say your city to fund a community search engine that might work. the government is the best search engine after all or unions and workers could build tou one. i suppose we could use a fax machine or connect printing presses again. we would need word prsses. or you could paste and copy apple and microsoft software together i suppose .maybethe code of macontosh as well .all the same differs only in name . a computer library and the site quorom could do this . or a university could help
    others methods putting shhets of metal into computers with search box grooves. i mean into the computer monitor then place glass cover over it and on the thin piece of tin put search buttons or say make that part of new printing presses. all you require is google code;
    ,embedd search box. embedd computer code.,,<,embedd books and games in engine search>


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