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Why Does The Church Believe It’s Exempt From Federal Contract Law?

If you have a contract, and you fail to meet the terms of that contract, then you are in error and subject to penalties. If the Catholic Church doesn’t want to provide contraception coverage for women that’s fine, but then the Catholic Church and all papal affiliated organizations should be cut off from any and all sources of Federal Funding.
There is no “War on Religion”, it’s a matter of people in pointy hats thinking they are above the law and don’t have to abide by the laws of the Federal Government. If they feel they are only subject to a “higher law”, then that’s fine, they are perfectly welcome to go and abide by their higher law without any Federal Dollars.
Conservatives are always claiming that Federal Money is wrong anyways and that the church should be the only purveyors of charity. This is the church’s opportunity to step up and show what they can do.
Your take?

No Responses to “Why Does The Church Believe It’s Exempt From Federal Contract Law?”

  1. JOE says:

    The churches in this country receive benefits from the government simply because they pay no taxes but that doesn’t seem enough now they want to dictate all of the rules go figure they think they are above all of us sinners

  2. Peace through blinding force says:

    Why are you LYING about the situation?
    The Church DID NOT enter into any such contract. Obama’s declaration requires them to provide contraception coverage REGARDLESS of whether or not they receive ANY Federal Funding.
    No lawful authority for Obama’s order exists. It’s a matter of DEMOCRATS thinking they are above the law. Again, the Church IS NOT welcome to go and abide by their higher law without any Federal Dollars. The REQUIREMENT to FUND contraception IS NOT TIED to receipt of Federal money or lack thereof.

  3. gintable says:

    Separation of Church and State should keep the church out of the state, and the state out of the church. Simple as that.

  4. sv says:

    Because the authorities are allowing them to do so. You can only put soo much blame on the church, we have a really messed up system.

  5. Anti Censorship says:

    If the Catholic Church went to back to simply being churches and turned away all federal funding thousands of schools, hospitals, care centers, shelters, etc. across the nation would shut down.

  6. xu says:

    I’m often called a Con although I’m not. Yes. As a matter of fact, no church should receive federal funding period.

  7. laughter says:

    congress could make federal funding dependent upon all sorts of things, but it hasn’t.

  8. Jay-Z's Lips says:

    Churches don’t get Federal Money

  9. Joe Doe says:

    They do believe they are “above” the law.

  10. cristoig says:

    What you fail to understand is that what the tyrannical government is demanding is that the Church go against its moral conscience and support mortal sin. Unrepentant mortal sin separates the faithful from their eternal promise.So, the government is demanding that Catholic Christians and most other Christians condemn themselves to hell. Do you not see this as unreasonable of the government and indeed tyrannical in nature. If you cannot see this then God help you. A government that can do this to the Church can take away your rights as well. This all reminds me of what happened in Nazi Germany under Hitler. Can we expect genocide of Catholics and other people of faith coming next? God bless!
    In Christ
    Fr. Joseph

  11. cat lover says:

    There have been strong arguments made that Federal funds for programs run by a Church that requires adherence to a specific religious teaching for participation is unconstitutional. That is why some Churches set up separate entities to run programs for social services. But politicians make the final decision on funding, and earmarks are common. In addition, a Supreme Court ruling not that long ago turned down one challenge on the grounds the plaintiffs lacked ‘standing’.
    But smart Churches realize that with Federal funds, comes Federal rules, and interference.
    There really is no issue with a Church mandating employees who are serving in a specific church function not get benefits that violate the Church’s teachings. So if your Church opposes birth control, and you are serving in a teaching position, that is reasonable, and you are aware of the restriction.
    But what if the hospital is associated with a church? Does that mean the janitors in the hospital should be held to the tenets of the Church, or are they merely performing a routine job?
    I may disagree with you about Federal funds. It all about getting money, not necessarily thinking they are above the law. But for some, they do think they are privileged.

  12. Victor says:

    Exodus 21:7-11
    7“If a man sells his daughter as a female slave, she is not to go free as the male slaves do. 8“If she is displeasing in the eyes of her master who designated her for himself, then he shall let her be redeemed. He does not have authority to sell her to a foreign people because of his unfairness to her. 9“If he designates her for his son, he shall deal with her according to the custom of daughters. 10“If he takes to himself another woman, he may not reduce her food, her clothing, or her conjugal rights. 11“If he will not do these three things for her, then she shall go out for nothing, without payment of money.


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