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If A Rogue Planet Or Something Is`nt Coming Then What Is The Govt Preparing For?

WTF is ging on!!!!!
how can you be in denial of the facts
nothing but facts, after this first post it gets more into speculation.
Record Tornadoes
Record drought
Record volcanoes As many in one year now, as what use to be a decades total.
Record earthquakes
Record crop devastation
Tides are rising, and the moons orbit is off.
solar flares
pipelines all across the country ruptured
Meteor showers increasing.
Magnetic poles are shifting faster and faster
The Solar activity of the sun has changed dramatically
Cosmic ray intensity has increased dramatically
Bees are disappearing, and they navigate using a solar compass
Mass fish die offs
Mass bird deaths.
New fault lines awakened in Virginia, & Nevada to name a few.
Giant sink holes opening up all around the world.
The surface of the earth actually creating giant rips in the earths crust on the surface for all to see.
New geysers seen venting in California.
What sounds like horns blowing recorded in florida, Russia, etc.
The smells of sulfur or fuel being reported in many areas of the world, the latest reports in California.
Disturbances in our solar system with storms on Jupiter increasing, Saturn being altered.
What’s the Governments of the world doing?
Storing massive amounts of Meals read to eat
Sucking up massive amounts of medication, and pharmaceuticals
Digging under ground bunkers around the world at a world record setting pace
Trillions of dollars dissappearing both from the pentagon, and the from the Federal Reserve.
Governments practicing detainment techniques.
CIA has relocated it’s headquarters to Denver
Denver world airport has been turned into a giant subterranean facility.
Denver has the biggest underground water treatment and purification center.
EPA starts closing down it’s library network.
GLobal Seed Bank built
Bush buys 98,000 acres in paraguay Father already owns 200,000
Hr5122 bypasses the forbidence of US troops operating on US soil
In 2001 264 dams needed repair, in 2009 over 1,200 damns across america are in need of repair, and the elites are no longer worried about infrastructure.
South Pole Telescope built with infrared capability
NSPD-51 Gives power to the president to take over complete and total rule
July 2007 Vatican closes library that has been opened for over 500 years.
Dutch are preparing for catastrophe, and apocalypse.
2008 3rd infantry’s deployed 6,000 us troops on US soil
2011 Space rocks and asteroids are now classified top secret
Climategate was used as an explanation of what is happening to the earth, as the changes became more magnetic in nature, it was switched from global warming to climate change.
Yellowstone National Park has been having thousands of earthquakes.
Chemtrails have been blanketing the earth containing barium, Barium is used for radiation shielding.
Constant media blitz in order to keep the people occupied with one big story after another.
Increasing number of shows are now about survival.
Media black outs on comet information. Anyone remember the Media hype about Haley’s comet
Google has blocked out a large area in space next to the constellation of Orion.
Fema Camps built
Mass coffin storage in Georgia.
The propping up of the stock market, at any cost, and any expense, even if it is open fraud!
And the latest suspension of the constitution, executive orders, NDAA, millions of hollow points, etc. etc.

No Responses to “If A Rogue Planet Or Something Is`nt Coming Then What Is The Govt Preparing For?”

  1. Miles Dewar says:

    You are an idiot.

  2. oklatono says:

    Shut up, ger off line, and join the Near Earth Object program.
    STOP POSTING NARCISSISTIC RANT RAGES that PROVE you are mentally ill and are intentionally & MALICIOUSLY misusing YA as a platform to lecture, harass, and exploit the YA community.

  3. aladdinw says:

    And you got this info from where? Conspiracy websites? Wow, there’s an objective and unbiased source.

  4. Bob D1 says:

    This really is the wrong forum for your thoughts, but since you’ve already post your question, here’s what I think: I don’t believe that a rogue planet is the source of our social/political/economic unrest, a lack of far-sight and high-level mismanagement are the culprits.
    See: Apocalypse Soon: Has Civilization Passed the Environmental Point of No Return?
    Although there is an urban legend that the world will end this year based on a misinterpretation of the Mayan calendar, some researchers think a 40-year-old computer program that predicts a collapse of socioeconomic order and massive drop in human population in this century may be on target…
    See: We can survive killer asteroids — but it won’t be easy…
    See: Next Great Depression? MIT study predicting ‘global economic collapse’ by 2030 still on track…
    See: The NSA is building the country’s biggest spy center (watch what you say)…
    Best regards

  5. SpartanC says:

    You appear to be freely mixing fictional (eg chemtrails), distorted (eg mass coffin storage in Georgia, when in actuality it was a plastics company storing a far lesser amount of coffin liners because it was most efficient for them to produce large batches)) and actual (eg the government purchasing ammunition) events into your reality construct. You also seem to be attributing false significance to events which are occurring on a constant basis (eg mass animal deaths). I’m not sure what can really be done to help a person such as yourself who is so determined to live in this alternate world.
    Edit: CIA is in the same HQ they’ve been in since 1999, which is the somewhat ironically named George Bush Centre for Intelligence at Langley, VA. This facility incorporates their old headquarters into the new compound. NSA Headquarters is still at Ft. Meade, Maryland, where it’s been since it’s founding. This is what I meant by your tendency to include fictional events in your reality construct. But I get what you’re saying. You want people to question everything except you, because you’re special. I must say that appealing to anti-intellectualism really makes you more convincing.
    How about we look at your hypothesis in a positivist fashion: if there IS a rogue planet coming, where is it? Coordinates in right ascension and declination will be just fine. That one little testable detail, if verified, would confirm your hypothesis without your “I don’t know what’s going on therefore doomsday” argument from ignorance.

  6. Search first before you ask it says:

    For the first part, global climate change has NOTHING to do with your imagined “rogue planet”, of which there is no observational evidence for whatsoever.
    For the second part, empires such as the USA evolve towards totalitarianism as their justification for existence grows more difficult to justify. It is all about power and perpetual war. It has nothing to do with truth or real issues. Keeping the wars front and center in funding means sacrificing the welfare of the populace and being prepared to dispense with mass dissent.
    The fact that you think any of this has to do with a rogue planet means that you too have been brainwashed.

  7. CogitoEr says:

    Aside from your rant, can you provide credible references that the government is preparing for anything at all?
    Perhaps the reason we have record disasters and storms is because for the first time in human history we are taking detailed records! We have never before had the ability to detect and be informed of disasters around the world.
    If a rogue planet were coming, there is nothing that anybody with any amount of resources could do about it or to survive it.
    Doomsayers can’t keep their story straight about which disaster will get us

  8. Paul says:

    The world cannot tolerate another generation! Greed incorporated (USA) is on the chopping block. The world is getting ready to flick america. WW III will be a war of extermination due to the fast buck and the quick f–k! Dig a hole & pray.


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