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Can You Confess Anything To A Priest?

Beating the wife,robbing an old lady,murder,robbing the federal reserve,hacking the pentagon,grand theft auto,arson,selling nation secrets on the black market…ect.
Also do you HAVE to be catholic to confess?

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  1. lost avenger says:

    a preist is a gossip/secret girl for adults. you always end the conversation with, please don’t tell anyone.

  2. Catholic Prime RCIA Candidate says:

    Justice of the Peace also acts like a Priest(they can marry people like priests),
    you can confess your sins to him, he’ll forgive you for sure.

  3. Dillon says:

    Yes, and if they tell anyone, it is somehow a greater sin than anything you have done.

  4. Me says:

    priests aren’t allowed to tell anyone. no but you do have to say a prayer.

  5. No More Mr. White Guy says:

    Yes and they have to keep it between you and him. If it is illegal, he may recommend turing yourself in.
    Yes, you have to be Catholic to have a formal confession, but you can talk to a priest anytime.
    Basically, when you knell down and cross yourself and say “bless me Father, for I have sinned.” you are asking the priest to ask God for your forgiveness. The priest is the mediator, to help guide you to ask God of you forgiveness. He will also instruct you on which prayers you have to pray, for example: 10 Our Fathers and 5 Hail Marys, et cetera.

  6. Daver says:

    Confessing “anything” so long as “anything” constitutes sin in the eyes of the Church.
    < black market…ect.>>
    If it’s crime you want to confess, turn yourself in to the police. Incidently, most crimes also constitute sin.
    Not necessarily, but you DO have to be Catholic in order to be absolved of your sin.

  7. Manga says:

    I wouldn’t tell a priest that ****.He is a mortal man like any other and just as likely to bend under pressure from the cops.Take your very dangerous secrets to the grave denying it and when you get to heaven continue denying it even in the face of god.

  8. Huh? says:

    Confessions are 100% confidential and a priest won’t repeat it to anyone. If he did reveal what you said at least in the US it would not be admissible in court against you. But as penance for your sin he can require you to turn yourself in, and if you are seeking absolution you can only get it if you fulfill your penance.

  9. 64 answers says:

    Yes. By law they have to rat if they are questioned
    …but that is man’s law.
    Catholic law requires priests to take it to the grave and NEVER tell a peep of it nomatter what, not even to the cops or the feds.
    Your priest will keep a secret better than your own lawyer!

  10. fred says:

    Holy Bible, you don’t confess you any man who will think about these things! you only confess to God threw the closet, in Jesus name AMen! yes!

  11. Common Sense says:

    Sure, you can confess crimes you’ve committed to a priest, but why not cut out the middle man and confess directly the police yourself.

  12. layday says:

    Yes, you can tell a priest anything. You don’t necessarily have to be Catholic. A lot of non-Catholics get confused on this, but a priest doesn’t “absolve” your sin, however, and you are not technically confessing to the priest. Your actual confession is to God, the priest hears your confession in order to give you advice and counsel on how to right your wrongs and how to do things in a more positive way in the future. If you choose to confess in private to God, your confession is just as important and counts just the same in the church.

  13. Briehna says:

    You can confess ANYTHING to a priest. They CANNOT, and WILL NOT tell anyone.. if they do they would be in A LOT of trouble.
    You do not have to be a Catholic to confess either. I am Christian, and I go to my friends(Catholic) church to confess 🙂

  14. The Chronic 4 says:

    you can confess anything to anyone. priests just have a little booth for you both to go into and you share personal information that is none of their business. i wouldn’t count on them keeping it secret, if they can’t be trusted to stop themselves from raping children, i doubt they have the willpower to keep someone else’s secrets.

  15. tebone03 says:

    Yes you can confess to a priest. The priest will not reveal what you told him in the confessional. He will advise you to turn yourself into the proper authorites because what you have listed are crimes. To receive absolution from God you have to be a Catholic Christian.
    Catholic Christian †

  16. God is the only Truth says:

    1 John 1:9
    9If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
    Did you know we do NOT need a catholic priest? Did you know God is more powerful and has more authority than a catholic priest?
    Therefore we CAN confess our sins to God the Father through Jesus!! And He will forgive us AND wash us clean of the stain of sin!!!!!
    REJOICE!!!! For God IS greater than the catholic church!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…


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