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America Isn’t The Only Corrupt Place And Mean Place?

Other countries are just as mean?? I feel like America is mean in its own ways though.. In stupid ways.. lol Being competitive and cut throating in jobs. Always out to make a buck. Screwing people over with car deals. It is all about greed and corruption in America.
I feel like in other countries though they have their own crazy stuff. They might not have corporations, but they have terrorist they are training and people killing each other and crazy rituals.
So in the end, the entire world has its own ways of being mean and promoting injustice.. It’s all just a matter of how your country handles things. For us BIG BUSINESS is the way. For others TERRORISM is the way. We all have our corrupt niches. Right?

No Responses to “America Isn’t The Only Corrupt Place And Mean Place?”

  1. 忠実空狐 ☯ says:

    America may have its issues, but believe me, they’re miniscule compared to the horrors in other parts of the world.

  2. Ee, by gum. says:

    Big business or terrorism.
    They are the only options.

  3. Warren the friendless says:

    Hell, no america is seriously like one of the meanest countries ever

  4. Asia says:

    I heard that hawaii’s a peaceful place…

  5. Isolated Empiricist says:

    While I don’t like it, competitive markets cause better products to take place.

  6. Mark IX says:

    So according to your philosophy you’re either a capitalist or a terrorist? Your ignorance of the way the world works and what happens outside the borders of the US is truly scary.

  7. Crushed says:

    Philippines is WAY corrupt than America.

  8. Devi says:

    you basically summed up all the big facts.
    but out of the entire world americans are the most greedy, selfish, heartless people

  9. Courtney says:

    Yes, there is corruption everywhere on Earth. But you’re much much less likely to see it in Kingdom halls, so I invite you to attend! 🙂
    (I in no way am saying that some Witnesses are corrupt, what I mean is that since the meetings are public, all kinds of people are there.)

  10. Bryan says:

    Terrorism really ismt as big as you think it is. Think of an american street gang, ok now think of that same gang with more brains and they are religious. Same **** different place.

  11. Kagos the Second says:

    Every nation ultimately looks out for its own self interest above everything else. A nation that puts any other goal above ensuring its own existence quickly stops existing.

  12. Fireball says:

    we know…PRAY FOR GODS KINGDOM!!!!!!

  13. TheKitte says:

    Complex question.
    First off… maybe… But I would tend to hold the most powerful democracy in the world to higher standards than some crazy third world rogue regime. When those are corrupt, it’s sad. When a democracy, a rich democracy, lets its institutions get overrun by corruption because it espouses the concept of “too much is never enough”, it gets disgusting.
    Second, if only the United States were innocent…
    I could write a book about this. But the gist of it is:
    -The U.S. and other western powers make the rules. Poorer countries have to obey. You think Zimbabwe could have bailed out its banks? The IMF wouldn’t have let it. So there’s the rampant hypocrisy thing going on.
    -Then there’s the military power that keeps the world in line. (If you have such a great system, why the heck do you need so much force to enforce it?). Iraq, Iran, Libya all committed the unforgivable sin: Selling oil in Euros.
    -The U.S. supports constant trade and government deficits by having the dollar as the world currency. Basically, the rest of the world is paying for America’s excesses.
    -Not to mention the “winner take all” attitude of American capitalism is profoundly antisocial. And it’s being imposed on the entire world. When it fails in the U.S., there are bail-outs. When it fails elsewhere, they are told to take that pill and wait: Capitalism will prevail. Pure, idiotic ideology with no grounding in reality and causing much very real human suffering.

  14. Ale-ale- says:

    there’s a reason why Colombian neckties are called “Colombian”.
    america’s not great, but a hell of a lot better than most places

  15. Rocket Man (Lv. 9999) says:

    Yes. Thank you. Best post I’ve ever seen in the R&S. Finally, someone who isn’t a bigot (in some way).

  16. mckenzie says:

    Big business is NOT corrupt.
    You just called MILLIONS of people corrupt.
    I think they might have a few things to say about that at the polls.
    GO for it, folks.
    I’m tired of this garbage as well, like most of the Kennedy Democrats are.


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