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I Need Some Help With This M.i.l.f?

I work in marketing, and recently I started dealing with this promotional items company that we are planning on ordering various different kind of items for our new company. Anyway working in this place are 2 women one younger, very shy and doesn’t speak English, the other manager woman is a freakin smokin hot MILF, Im not sure about her age but id say she’s probably 40 maybe a couple years older… she has an excellent body, nice curves, cute face although she may have a slight botox lip thing going and not normally the type of woman that I’d find attractive etc…
But with her she really is unique, and she acts totally flirty, you can tell by the way she talks to me jokingly flirts, the way she sits on her chair next to me, poses etc… Anyway I’m really wondering what to do, how do I take things further… like today we started off talking business and then they made me a coffee and I sat there with the 2 of them just chatting, she was really making no secret of her flirtatiousness… But where the hell do I take it from there? Seriously… like “yeah thats the item we want, and by the way have you got a back room or should we just do it right here on the table?” like how should I proceed, what would you do (honestly)?

No Responses to “I Need Some Help With This M.i.l.f?”

  1. Chauncey Q. Buttercup says:

    Don’t dip your pen in the company ink well.

  2. Mario says:

    Hit it.

  3. DR + Mrs Bears face says:

    Having worked with women in the past it is not a good idea to try and take it further. this always ends in tears in some form or other and is not worth he risk.

  4. Grover says:

    She’s offering so it’s up to you to make the next move.

  5. bridget says:

    Ask her out to lunch and see what happens after that! Lunch can be an opener to everything! Like during lunch u can ask if she’s ever had drinks at ur local bar or dinner at your favorite restaurant then simply say “we should go sometime” and exxhange numbers and see what happens after that 🙂 good luck

  6. Austin says:

    **** that mom!

  7. unknown friend says:

    First off the term M.I.L.F. means she is a mother so do you really want to take on that issue?
    Secondly, office romances seldom end well for either party when it ends. Act professionally and leave her alone. Find your conquests outside the work place.

  8. Lily ♥ Lovee says:

    wow she sounds hot lol (no lesbo)
    but i think you should flirt back and ask her out to dinner
    so you can get to know her! like you 2 alone
    i think she sounds like she likes you since she is showing all of the signs so go for it
    + you will never know until you try!!
    just have fun with it so you should proceed 🙂
    good luck
    Additional Details Edit : lol 🙂 i think you should just be honest with her then like outside of work…
    im sure she wants it just as bad as you do so let her know and make you’re way to the bedroom lol
    just be safe but have fun!

  9. D-MAN says:

    lily said it all

  10. Sofie says:

    She wants you!! You should step up and make the next move, that’s what she wants you to do so unless you want her looking elsewhere you do something before it’s too late.

  11. Rockstar says:

    dats kinda hard, because its easy to say what one would do in a fantasy situation but in real im not sure, romances conected to work could end up going wrong and making ur work a difficult time… on the other hand she sounds like she wants you to bang her like a squeky front door… so just think whats more important to ya

  12. joe says:

    Umm….. You do realise that she works for a promotional company and you are a potential customer?
    She gets paid to make you feel good (just like you do now) and want to do business with her company.
    Same principle with waitresses, bar girls, prostitutes.
    Don’t take it personally, she’s probably only interested in flirting with you until the ink dries and the next paycheck walks in.


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