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Would You Allow Your Young Son To Be A Cheerleader?

My son played his first game of travel basketball today. There were cheerleaders there for the opposing team. They were 10u cheerleaders so 10 or younger. One was a boy. He of course wasn’t wearing a skirt but did have on very short tight shorts.
I can honestly say I would let my son, but in all honesty, I’m glad that’s not his niche. Even if it was I would probably try to talk him out of it. This is to spare him from the potential ridicule it may cause. What about you?

No Responses to “Would You Allow Your Young Son To Be A Cheerleader?”

  1. Andrew Jokerst says:

    Yes. I’m not one to pressure people to adhere to gender stereotypes. I would warn him of the ridicule that might ensue, yes, but if he was really serious about it I would let him do it.

  2. Brad says:

    I would. My son prefers playing flag football but if he wanted to be a cheerleader than i would let him. It may cause ridicule but he can always get them back by telling them that he gets to spend all of his time with girls while they get to sweat with other guys.
    I remember when i took my son to a professional basketball game and he was in awe of all of the cheerleaders. He said “daddy, i wonder why boys aren’t cheerleaders because i would want to play with them”. I told him to be a cheerleader then and he said “The cheerleaders at my games don’t look like that”(he is 5 lol)

  3. . says:

    I think I actually would because cheerleaders are known to be more stronger than most athletes in sports. It will probably open the door for him to excel in sport training. Sure there will be some ridicule but it will only make him stronger as a person.

  4. spies says:

    No, I wouldn’t let my son unless maybe he was like begging to do it. We had this gay Mexican cheerleader guy on my team. I liked him, but honestly he got made fun of a lot. I wouldn’t put my kid through that for no reason.

  5. BeautyIn says:

    if it was something he really wanted to do then i’d let him. but i’d tell him that people were probably gonna make fun of him . but i’d just be like don’t let them get to you and stuff like that.

  6. Fifimsp says:

    Of course. Or dance or anything else he wanted to do. I’d actually probably have a bigger problem with him wanting to play football. Last thing I need is a dumb thug son.

  7. Destiny says:

    Definitely. I used to be a cheerleader and there were boys who cheered too. I didn’t think they were homosexual or weird. I thought they were hot. I mean come on, they lifted us in the air so they were strong.

  8. jane collective says:

    I would. I want my son (and daughter) to find themselves, and be able to live a life that fulfills them. I wouldn’t even mind.

  9. Welcome to Holland says:

    Yep. Cheerleading is good exercise.

  10. Robert says:

    Why not? He will be the center of attention among the girls!

  11. Aaliyah says:

    If that’s what he really wanted, yes.

  12. pdooma says:

    Sure, why not?
    I’m all for supporting my kid, regardless of what he wants to do.


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