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What Makes Conservatives Think That Their Campaign Of Media Slander Against Ows Is Working?

FACT: The tactics being used by Conservative organizations to discredit the OWS movement through the creation of incidents are essentially identical to the tactics used by police against squatter camps in the novel The Grapes of Wrath.
FACT: Conservative muckracker James O’Keefe was in the Zucotti Park area during the time of the OWS protest. There is video of him in the area and that video was broadcast on Rachel Maddow’s program.
FACT: The photo which appeared in multiple Rupert Murdoch (FOX News) owned outlets proclaimed to be a photo of an OWS protester defecating on a police car was actually taken in the Park Slope section of Brooklyn NY and is actually just a picture of a random homeless person – not someone who is affiliated in any way with the OWS movement.
FACT: In every single incident of violence or looting related to the OWS movement there are multiple eyewitness accounts of the persons who committed the violent acts being strangers to protesters, having a hostile attitude towards the other protesters, and disappearing from the protest area immediately following the acts of violence.
FACT: Conservative media outlets have hyped the negative stories relentlessly and have completely ignored all evidence which suggest that these incidents may be part of a concerted effort by Conservative Republicans to discredit the OWS movement.

No Responses to “What Makes Conservatives Think That Their Campaign Of Media Slander Against Ows Is Working?”

  1. All Knowing One says:

    Jesus started the first OWS protest turning over the tables of the money changers and remember what conservatives did to him.

  2. Stephen says:

    With the one exception of your claim of media bias, your “FACTS” are complete bullsh*t. I’m sure there are some good people out there, but most of them are communists with the goal of starting a class war between the proletariats (AKA the 99%) and the bourgeoisie (AKA the 1%). That game plan is straight from the communist manifesto by none other than Karl Marx.

  3. The Return of the Ghost says:

    FACT Pictures do not lie. We can see the man crapping on the cop car, we can see you using drugs, we can read the police accounts of the rapes and deaths.
    FACT We can walk past and observe you behavior plus see and smell your mess.
    FACT Saying something moronic and writing FACT in front of it does not make your statement any less moronic

  4. thepewte says:

    I gave the OWS this advice earlier today…
    Stop Allowing the Anarchists to be in your rallies and They will gain relevancy…
    Otherwise they are now and will remain irrelevant.
    Oh and BTW FOX is one out of a dozen Media outlets… Can’t handle the truth on just ONE station?
    † FNS †

  5. robbergo says:

    So the OWS protesters are not breaking multiple laws such as tresspassing,are not making a disgusting mess,are not interfering with people going to work or their business’s,.What they are doing is taking free food from people with agendas,waiting for someone to clean up after them and NOT going to work.

  6. OWS Pooping For Communism says:

    Videos and pictures of OWSers like my avatar pretty do enough to damage the poopers and rapists of America, the OWSers. Are you trying to say these videos and pictures aren’t real? Do you also believe in unicorns, god, the tooth fairy, and Obama’s promises? LMAO!

  7. KA All Day says:

    All you are doing is saying the media is lying.
    You fail to take into account the people who have, with their own eyes, seen these movements and passed judgement of them.
    Thus, this question is based on a fallacy.

  8. MoodyRed says:

    Where do you find these so-called ‘facts’? All I know is this is not the truth.
    The OW’s are the same as the hippies of the 60’s. They do not solve problems they create them.
    Destruction of private property and violence!

  9. WiZ says:

    Right wingers don’t care about factual evidence. Good luck trying to get them to understand anything that goes against their opinions that Rupert Murdoch manufactured.

  10. Zito says:

    The Arab Spring and the Occupy Movement are identical – lawless mobs hellbent on wrecking stuff with not a clue on how to actually govern.

  11. Obamaged says:

    Meanwhile, your ilk glibly ignores the rapes, looting, rioting, murders and Neanderthal hygiene of this filth. Nice.

  12. ellisdee says:

    Here’s another FACT for ya, those OWS idiots “BURN” American flags, destroy public property and completely disregard the laws of this country…in my all so humble opinion, they’re nothing but a horde of unemployable bums….

  13. sylveste says:

    the campaign as the far left intends,is to plant 15-20 rockthrowin windowbreakin masked black clothed bandidoes among the largely peaceful protesters,,to provoke cops into swingin
    they are your babies,pay up on the child support u deadbeat dingodemo lefties

  14. electric says:

    Just becasue you capitalize the word does not make what follows FACT. Provide some references with more substance and I will listen.

  15. Thurston says:

    The Occupy movement are a bunch of freaks and pretty much everyone is tired of hearing about their crap.

  16. Obama Shutdown says:

    242-192 House Majority suck it!

  17. HeyBuddy says:

    They don’t. But, they work for the 1%.

  18. Max Hoopla says:

    Truth is what they want it to be.

  19. suthrnly says:

    FACT: Most of us don’t even pay attention to them.

  20. Pixie says:

    oh,you mean like the tea party stories

  21. RJC says:

    Link your supposed facts kiddo.
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  22. Daniel P says:

    I would definitely say that Ron Paul is exactly the sort of candidate the OWS people would be looking for.
    If OWS has proved anything, it’s that civil liberties are decaying quickly in this country. All you have to do is watch the videos where peaceful protesters get shot by the police, or beaten down. OWS has also protested corruption, and if anybody is running an anti-corruption campaign, it’s Ron Paul, a Republican.


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