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Should I Take The Hotel Department Manager Position At 38k A Year, Or Go Into Real Estate W/ /remax. 100% Comm?

Wondering whether or not I should take a salaried Hotel Department Manager position at 38k a year, or go into real estate as an affiliate broker with Remax. No cap on earnings, but the downside is 100% commission. A girl that I have been seeing the last month and a half( just as friends) is in here second year doing real estate with no prev. experience, and she told me she cleared 56k the first year. She was upfront with me that it is a lot of work starting out, but it gets easier. Started in hospitality when I was 17, and now I am finally getting a shot at becoming a manager. 23, Male, single, no kids or family obligations. At a crossroads. Thanks for any input.

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  1. MyDailyA says:

    I’ll give you advice my father gave me about similar question. Sales will have peaks and valleys and you have to be able to ride out those peaks and valleys, if everyone could make 56k their first year with no experience, everyone would be doing it. Operations in hospitality does not have those peaks and valleys, the path is much more slow and steady, secure pay and over time you will make the big dollars without the peaks and valleys. Glad I took his advise, i took the hospitality rate and am making more money than I ever thought I would, it has taken me 15 years to get there but I am there. If you chase the 56k carrot and fail then what? You start over again in hospitality but you are a year or two behind where you could have been.
    Having said all that, if you are a natural sales person with the gift of gabe and have never met a stranger, are willing to accept the ups and downs and budget your money to set yourself up for bad time, go for the sales job.


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