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Are We Wrong About The Illuminati?

What if the government is really corrupt within itself not through a secret group and these enlightened ppl are trying to help us they were against the monarchy (govt) the corrupt church they could’ve crashed the stock market create a bad economy to show the bad government they could easily go through extreme lengths to help maybe they want to help create a nice peaceful NWO not an evil govt world order the whole depopulate plan could be for other groups like the corrupted organization RFID chips help identity theft access to other things not a mind control device.wen JFK spoke out against secret groups he either A: was talking about ppl in the govt or didn’t quite know about the illuminati’s plan to aid. our ideas about the group are assumptions no facts about evil (maybe for the church) and the govt might be pointing them out as evil they wanted to bring new ideas that’s why they were called the enlightened ones this is just my thoughts I jus literally thought about it so go ahead answer with facts about their evilness or prove my hypothesis wrong

No Responses to “Are We Wrong About The Illuminati?”

  1. Anonymous says:

    They do not exist. Simple as that. Our government will save itself or fall all by itself.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Very. Illuminati was simply a group of well-known scientists stereotyped by the church that was ruling at the time. It doesn’t exist anymore, and even if it did, it wasn’t an evil organization. They were scientists. They didn’t give a rat’s *** about the government.

  3. Anonymous says:

    The only candidate for world government is the United Nations. Do you think they are trying to help?

  4. Anonymous says:

    they don’t exist period

  5. Anonymous says:

    Oh my gorrsshh… your one of them aren’t you. I have no facts but they are evil, sorry

  6. Anonymous says:

    You are completely wrong and i can prove you are wrong. The video shows how illuminati killed the William Cooper and John Todd, the two of them were conspiracy theorists who went around the country to warn people about the illuminati and the satanic NWO. That is major proof that illuminati really is evil and will kill anyone who gets in their way.…


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