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Help Me With Science: Ecology (by Doing Researching) Pt. 1?

What is the organisms of one species living together in the same place at the same time are a?
__ community
__all of the above
Which of the process uses oxygen in plants, algae, and animals?
During photosynthesis, light energy becomes, what energy?
__soil life
Which of the choices eats consumers?
Nitrogen that is in the soil is used by?
__both a and b
__neither a nor b
As you move upward, from level to level, in an energy pyramid, the energy?
__stays at the same level
__is destroyed
Which of the following is NOT a freshwater ecosystem?
Thank you!! No mean comments, hater, etc!! It will be the best if you explained and list down answers!!

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  1. Drex says:

    Some of the explanations are based on the text book.
    1. Population, made up of all organisms of the same species that live an area at the same time. You could also check the sources that I listed below.
    2. Respiration, plants, some bacteria, algae, fish, and other organisms need oxygen for respiration.
    3. Chemical Energy, during photosynthesis, producers convert light energy into the chemical energy in sugar molecules.
    4. Decomposers, helps recycle once-living matter by breaking it down into simple, energy-rich substances.
    5. Both a and b, plants & animals because plants use it directly from the soil and animals use it by consuming plants.
    6. Decreases, as you move up the pyramid, the transfer of energy is less efficient and each level becomes smaller.
    7. Estuary, is not a freshwater ecosystem but if your confuse about swamp, take a look at this source,


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