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Im Pretty Sure My English Teacher Is Biased Towards Me Because I’m A Girl? :(?

English is my favorite subject; I’m really passionate about it. I work soo completely hard in it. My teacher makes us write a journal and I’m so proud of mine. I always in it and I’ve been told my work is insightful and such…blahblah. however, compared to this boy in my class, I am considered nothing by my teacher. He thinks this boy is the best thing since the invention of sliced bread. we are juniors and he has been in my english class since freshman year. He is very intelligent and definitly better at me in math and science; but not English. I know I’m boss at it. It’s the only subject I feel excited about; I feel like I’m in my niche. I’m getting really depressed that I work so hard and although I am comended, in my English teacher’s eyes, this kid is God. I don’t know what to do. It’s really bothering me. I guess its because I look up to my English teachers and now the fact that this one thinks I’m inferior to this boy is bothering me. I know in life there are going to be people better then you at things; that’s life. Yet, I know I’m a much better writer and have much better insight than this kid. This is not to be cocky; its just that english is my strength and his lie elsewhere. I’m so frustrated that I spend so much time making my journal perfect and now I feel like I’m just wasting my time. Please help!!!!! am I a psychotic; obsessed with being the best? or is it I legitimate to feeling this way?
ignore all my typos; im feeling lazy 😛

No Responses to “Im Pretty Sure My English Teacher Is Biased Towards Me Because I’m A Girl? :(?”

  1. ಠ__ಠ says:

    I think you should just not worry about it unless you feel that the teacher is giving you bad grades because of it. Some teachers like to pick favorites… There’s nothing you can do about that.

  2. BOSS HiWatt says:

    ha ha join the club my tutor is biased towards me because more ii’m ntelligent than everyone else in my class. its not that they have something against you they already know your clever they just have to praise the ones who arent so clever to give them their confidence, ya know.
    good luck im sure your english is boss.

  3. heyhey says:

    Maybe this boy understands the difference between then and than…. hmmm….
    Just relax. Focus on yourself. I’d bet this boy isn’t sitting around asking people questions about you… I can recall a Jay Leno joke one time. Apparently David Hasslehoff was boasting about the fact that he has more google hits than Brad Pitt. That might be true, but Brad Pitt probably isn’t sitting at home googling himself.

  4. tantechr says:

    You are doing this for yourself, NOT for your teacher, and in years to come you will be flying high and the teacher will be doing the same old thing with different children. Maintain your high standard and don’t worry about the other student. You are not doing it to better him either.

  5. ▐▀▀▼▀▀▌ Love all as ONE ▐▄▄▲▄▄▌ says:

    -English has a capital first letter.
    -You do not know how to use “;” properly. E.G. This is not to be cocky; its just that english is my strength and his lie elsewhere. You need to learn how.
    -Separate your messages into paragraphs PLEASE! I can tell that you are thinking while you write.
    -“I’m really passionate about it.” Well, you said it was your favourite, yet you say that after that. You cannot even make that mistake in interviews. Passion is something you say in the beginning, or it looses force.
    -“I feel like I’m in my niche”. Right? You clearly do not know what Niche/ means. Niche is a role you AND ANOTHER share. So technically you are not in a niche, but you are in your ELEMENT.
    -“…blahblah” WRONG!
    1. First, you give the worst first impression. No pun intended.
    2. He likes a boy. It does not mean he is gay, or focusing on him a lot. A good teacher focuses on 90% of the class instead of 10%. Why? Because you are in the top 10%, a bad teacher would carry on encouraging you and ignoring the rest.
    3. A close friend of mine came 1st in all of England. They judge by GCSE percentages, and then they do another exam with the top 8. She came first. I think it is thanks to her photographic memory. So, think of it this way, perhaps the teacher does not think you truly shine. If that is the case, compare yourself to the country. That is what I do, it is the BEST way of comparision.
    4. English, in my eyes, is rubbish. Ask anyone who is studying English Literature in Cambridge, they would jump at the opportunity to study Medicine at Barts. So you tell me, who the hell gives a damn about English? I do NOT, and neither does the rest of the country, so why should you? A lot of people are good at it, and frankly it is EASY.
    So, all of these points simply state that the teacher is not a very nice guy. It also implies that his salary is the equivalent of slave pay, and that he is going to carry on acting like a fool of the highest order. Women are nice and caring. But when it comes to subjects like English, they should not really waste time in it. You need to be more ambitious.
    Additional note
    The best invention was peanut butter. The slices of toast can rot in hell -.-
    Oh, and maybe I am a bit judgmental because you are good at a subject that a person I like is also good at. But at the end of the day, I think English is the last subject that someone should spend years on. Plus, I suck at English, so…

  6. MZT says:

    Interesting comment….that is how so many males feel in the school system due to affirmative action and female preference in so many areas in the last few decades….its not always the best student who gets the rewards of the class, there are other issues that have an impact on decision making.


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