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Being Messed Up To Girls?

Sorry if this is a long read.
I met these girls in one of my classes when I helped them out with studying for a test, since they were freaking out. After that, they have started talking to me quite a bit. I did not mind because it was nice talking to cheerful people and I wanted to be respectful. I thought that they could use a guy friend to have casual conversations with, share a few laughs, or get help with issues.
However, my guy friends noticed this for some reason and approached me, asking why I would be “affiliated with ugly girls”. I did not approve of them talking about them behind their backs like that, but they just teased me even more. I did not understand this because they were really geeky guys that rarely talked to girls of any sort. This has been going on for a couple weeks now- they are still calling those girls ugly and harassing me for talking to them. I could care less if they teased me, but it crossed the line when they bad-mouthed those girls like that. I will admit that they were not the most attractive girls in the class, but I feel that they have no right to judge them like that. I think that every girl is beautiful in their own way. However, I have considered cutting off all contact with them to keep my friends from bothering me about it. I have not done it yet because I want to be more considerate to the girls.
I feel like cursing them tomorrow since they are getting on my nerves. What do you think I should do? Should I just ignore the girls now?

No Responses to “Being Messed Up To Girls?”

  1. Sunshined sky says:

    You should ignore your friends, NOT the girls. Your friends sound immature & jealous.

  2. Kaitlin says:

    I think you’re a great guy with a good sense of morality. Choose whichever you think is the right thing to do. I’ve had something similar happen to me. I had different sets of friends because a lot of them didn’t like each other, so I finally decided on who I genuinely liked being around. You should tell your friends that you don’t appreciate what they’re doing to you, especially since they’re not acting like real friends. It’s alright when they’re lightly teasing about it, but not for a long time. Since you do want to keep your friends, just tell them straight up that you don’t want them treating you this way anymore and you won’t tolerate it for much longer. Tell them why you like hanging around these girls; you just like to make friends. They seem like the type of people who are actually jealous that you’re talking to girls or they just can’t understand why you’d talk to them. Anyway, convince them that those girls are nice people and it never hurt to make more friends.

  3. Ryan Doyley says:

    You should curse out your friends and talk more with the girls.

  4. Abhi-des says:

    1. Kep talkin to ur gal frnds.
    2. Kick the asses of those jealous geeky douches.


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