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How Much Does A Intelligence Analyst Make?

Im going to the army as a Intelligence Analyst. I was told by my army recruit that if i get out of the military ( and keep my MOS) i have a high earnings potential. I have my Top-Secret Security Clearance. I’m looking at Careers AFTER THE MILITARY. How much does a Intelligence Analyst for the DOD, CIA, FBI or Homeland Security make annually with prior military service . I want to work for one of those agencies after the army if not for Intel just for Criminal Justice and National Defense. Help me out Thanks! P.S im not talking about pay in the military i know its based on Grade Rank. I want to know how much do they make in the Civilian Job Market working for the DOD, CIA, FBI or Homeland Security

No Responses to “How Much Does A Intelligence Analyst Make?”

  1. Anonymous says:

    I didn’t see the other question or answer but just like the military the civilian (Federal) agencies that you mention above, also have pay grades and a normal promotion / performance pay scale. You get hired at a certain grade based on your education and experience. Once you’ve served in that grade successfully for a determined period of time then you will be eligible for promotion and more money. Things that determine your pay will be grade, step, yearly performance bonuses. If you haven’t gone in the military yet then I wouldn’t worry about life after until you’ve been at least semi-successful in the Army.

  2. Anonymous says:

    How many times are you going to ask this question? See my last answer. Your question actually should be “How much can they make?” I explained that when I answered you before.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Even the intelligence Agencies pay the same. They are all paid the same which is based on Grade, ie GS-9, GS-13, etc. It doesn’t matter which agency you apply to, the odds are your Grade will be the same because you will be doing the same job. An intelligence Analyst at the DOD will earn the same if he/she worked at the NSA or the FBI or Homeland Security. The Federal Civilian pay scale is a matter of public record.


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