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The Stock Market Fell Severely After Obama Decided To Support Palestine Over Israel?;_ylt=Ahy4IiXmz3ypdiraWlDOKVG7YWsA;_ylu=X3oDMTE2bjA5a21tBHBvcwMxBHNlYwNtYXJrZXRTdW1tYXJ5SW5kaWNlcwRzbGsDZG93?s=%5EDJI
The bible says a nation that does not support Israel is cursed. Look at China they support Israel and they’re being blessed. We must pray that Palestine does not become a state, their secret agenda is to take over Jerusalem and there could be a war.

No Responses to “The Stock Market Fell Severely After Obama Decided To Support Palestine Over Israel?”

  1. tinahdez says:

    The stock market fell because of Ben Bernanke and what the Federal Reserve Bank is about to do. President Obama supported Israel and does not want the Palestinians to go to the UN to get statehood. He wants the parties to negotiate among themselves. Obama said he would veto the proposal from the UN. He is supporting Israel. It seems Israel won’t negotiate with Palestine because they are occupying their territory and won’t give it back. Palestine has no other way to go. They must use the UN and General Assembly to negotiate a fair conclusion and reach a peace agreement fair to both Israel and Palestine. There are many ancient political issues which does not allow for civil negotiations between these people. They need an impartial body like the UN. I think the president is frustrated because nothing gets done after years and years and years.

  2. White Rabbit says:

    So you are going to take the Bible’s word, which was translated by men who could slip ANYTHING in this book? Not to say I don’t believe in God but seriously, maybe there is another tangent as to why the stock market fell? As to WHO is really in charge if America decides to not back Israel? Think about that instead of just taking everything at face value.

  3. Echo says:

    I suppose it’s just coincidence that at the same time the federal reserve was announcing that it believed true economic recovery was years away. I mean, that couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the stock market.

  4. Ironmano says:

    “The bible says a nation that does not support Israel is cursed.”
    The stock market doesn’t depend on the Bible or any other religious text.
    “their secret agenda is to take over Jerusalem”
    Why is it “take over” when Palestinians do it, but you don’t
    give a damned if Israel insists on claiming the entire place?

  5. Gabby little angel says:

    I recommend reading:
    As America Has Done To Israel by John McTernan.
    Great read. Full of truth, and examples.
    Watch for even more events such as Hurricane Irene, Texas drought and wildfires, etc.
    To correct URL

  6. Hope is certainty (Ross) says:

    Israel has blackmailed the US into supporting it with threat of war for a long time and Palestinians have been attacked anyway. Jesus says to turn the other cheek. War is not the answer in my Bible.

  7. Michael B - Repeal Prop. 8! says:

    Obama has never supported Palestine over Israel. He has, however, spoke out against the 30-year-long class warfare by the Republicans against the American Middle Class and I support him 100%

  8. Gazoo for Prezident says:

    It lost most of the ground this morning before any of that. What they were looking at was the Fed.

  9. Everard says:

    Politics…. TIRH.

  10. Mister Chartreuse says:

    Trust me, this issue is far more complicated than you think.

  11. mhm, sure says:

    Nothing good happens when Obama opens his mouth. Who cares any more?

  12. Unknown says:

    The UAE supports Palestine and they are doing well.

  13. Saphlan says:

    This is why we should just nuke the whole middle east. Those bastards are only trouble.


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