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Are You Allowed To Be In A Place That Has A Cross Hanging?

Salams. I was sitting in a library where they had a cross hanging near where I was sitting and it had a “dying person with arms stretched” on it. Obviously this was some kind of religious affiliated library and they possibly had many of these crosses all over the library.
I didn’t feel comfortable sitting in this library at first but then I forgot. I’m wondering if it’s haram to be in this place or if it’s OK to be in this place. I know many Muslims who study in Catholic schools so I’m assuming they are such crosses in their schools all the time, but I just want to make sure otherwise I wont go back to this library. J.Z.K.

No Responses to “Are You Allowed To Be In A Place That Has A Cross Hanging?”

  1. Rosy Pearl تعالى رب العزة says:

    It is best not to be in those places where they have symbols of Kufr and disbelief. But if you need to be there, then it’s permissible.
    It’s enough that your heart felt uneasy to signal that it is not beloved to Allah swt being around Crosses and Kufr Symbols. This is a sign of Iman in heart. Because prophet saw said.. If you want to know what is not permissible… Then it is anything that stops in your heart/soul. It gives you an uneasy feeling.
    Anyways,If you need to be there… Just don’t look at them, because they are Kufr symbols.

  2. Jesus Is Lord, Not a Muslim says:

    You are going to get many different answers. Obviously Islam is confusing to Muslims.
    In Christianity, the cross is a reminder of the ultimate sacrifice, of God’s Amazing Grace, and of Jesus’ love for us all. If your allah has a problem with that, then he’s not God and I wouldn’t worry about his opinion.

  3. Katy says:

    Thats Jesus on the cross….that made me laugh “dying person with arms stretched” ….
    Edit: You may not believe in Christianity (as your religion commands you to), but as Christians, we beleive Jesus died on the cross and the crucifix is a reminder of his suffering….you can call it what you want but it wont change what it is

  4. Jun says:

    I would bet that if some Christian told you that they were made uncomfortable by the outward signs of your religion, you’d tell them that they were being intolerant or prejudiced or something.

  5. Hot Stuff says:

    No it’s not Har’am, I went to a Catholic college, they had crucifixes in every single room

  6. samuelst says:



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